1.
“April
showers
bring
May
flowers”
reminds
me
to
appreciate
the
rain
as
much
as
the
sunshine.
【思乡】
2.
The
soft
pastel
tones
of
spring
are
a
welcome
change
from
the
starkness
of
winter.
【色彩缤纷】
3.
There’s
something
magical
about
watching
the
world
come
back
to
life
after
a
long
winter’s
rest.
【万物复苏】
4.
As
the
days
grow
longer,
feel
myself
growing
with
them,
eager
to
see
what
the
future
holds.
【蓄势待发】
5.
can’t
help
but
smile
at
the
sight
of
blooming
flowers
and
buzzing
bees
–
it’s
a
sign
of
good
things
to
come.
【美好未来】
6.
The
fresh
air
of
spring
is
a
tonic
for
the
soul,
filling
me
with
renewed
energy
and
purpose.
【焕然一新】
7.
Every
year,
I’m
amazed
by
the
resilience
of
nature
–
even
after
a
harsh
winter,
it
bounces
back
in
full
force.
【生命力顽强】
8.
Spring
is
a
time
for
new
beginnings,
a
chance
to
leave
the
past
behind
and
embrace
the
present.
【新生代】
9.
love
the
sound
of
bird
song
in
the
morning
–
it’s
a
reminder
that
even
in
the
midst
of
chaos,
there
is
still
beauty
to
be
found.
【清晨恬静】
10.
The
warm
sun
on
my
face
and
the
cool
breeze
in
my
hair
–
these
are
the
simple
pleasures
that
make
life
worth
living.
【感受生活】
11.
As
the
world
wakes
up
from
its
slumber,
feel
myself
waking
up
too,
ready
to
take
on
whatever
challenges
lie
ahead.
【奋斗人生】
12.
Spring
is
a
time
for
growth
and
transformation,
a
chance
to
shed
old
skin
and
embrace
new
possibilities.
【蜕变进化】
13.
never
tire
of
watching
the
seasons
change
–
each
one
has
its
own
unique
magic
that
never
fails
to
captivate
me.
【自然魅力】
14.
The
air
is
thick
with
the
scent
of
fresh
flowers
–
it’s
a
reminder
to
stop
and
smell
the
roses,
to
slow
down
and
appreciate
the
little
things
in
life.
【品味生活】
15.
Spring
is
a
reminder
that
life
is
cyclical,
and
that
even
in
the
darkest
of
moments,
there
is
always
hope
for
renewal.
【希望之光】
16.
The
beauty
of
spring
lies
not
just
in
its
vibrant
colors,
but
in
the
way
it
makes
me
feel
–
alive,
invigorated,
and
grateful
to
be
alive.
【欢快生活】
17.
Watching
the
world
come
back
to
life
after
a
long
winter
is
a
reminder
that
even
the
most
stubborn
obstacles
can
be
overcome.
【战胜困难】
18.
Spring
has
a
way
of
making
everything
seem
possible
–
even
the
wildest
dreams
can
feel
within
reach.
【梦想成真】
19.
love
the
way
spring
fills
me
with
a
sense
of
wonder
and
possibility
–
there’s
magic
in
the
air
that’s
hard
to
put
into
words.
【微观世界】
20.
Whether
it’s
the
first
crocus
peeking
through
the
snow,
or
the
sound
of
a
bird
singing
in
the
trees,
there’s
always
something
in
spring
to
lift
my
spirits
and
make
me
feel
hopeful.
【朝气满满】
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