1.
Let's
have
some
fun
together!
Who's
up
for
a
game
night?【#友谊互动#】
2.
Looking
for
recommendations
on
a
great
book
to
read.
Suggestions,
please?
【#读书分享#】
3.
I'm
in
the
mood
for
a
good
workout.
Who
wants
to
join
me
for
a
virtual
fitness
class?
【#健身挑战#】
4.
It's
time
to
step
up
our
cooking
game!
Share
your
favorite
recipes
with
me.
【#美食探索#】
5.
Who's
up
for
a
weekend
hike?
Let's
explore
some
nearby
trails!
【#自然漫步#】
6.
I'm
feeling
crafty
today!
Any
suggestions
for
a
new
project?
【#创意灵感#】
7.
Let's
get
creative
and
make
some
art
together!
What
medium
do
you
prefer?
【#艺术创作#】
8.
Time
to
update
our
music
playlist!
What's
your
current
favorite
song
or
artist?
【#音乐分享#】
9.
Ready
for
some
friendly
competition!
Who's
up
for
a
game
of
trivia?
【#智力大比拼#】
10.
I'm
up
for
a
challenge!
Let's
see
who
can
come
up
with
the
best
tongue
twister.
【#舌头操练#】
11.
Let's
share
some
positive
affirmations
and
spread
some
love
today.
【#心灵呼唤#】
12.
I'm
feeling
grateful
today.
Who
or
what
are
you
thankful
for
today?
【#感恩之心#】
13.
Let's
have
a
virtual
dance
party!
Share
your
favorite
dance
move
with
me.
【#舞蹈狂欢#】
14.
Looking
for
some
travel
inspiration
-
where's
your
favorite
destination
to
visit?
【#旅行梦想#】
15.
Who
wants
to
join
me
for
a
virtual
game
of
charades?
Let's
get
silly
and
have
some
fun!
【#娱乐休闲#】
16.
It's
time
to
get
organized!
Share
your
best
tips
for
decluttering
and
simplifying.
【#整洁有序#】
17.
Let's
share
our
favorite
inspirational
quotes
and
motivate
each
other
today.
【#鼓舞人心#】
18.
Who's
up
for
a
virtual
movie
night?
Share
your
favorite
movie
and
let's
have
a
watch
party!
【#电影盛宴#】
19.
I'm
curious
-
what's
your
favorite
app
that
you
can't
live
without?
【#科技互动#】
20.
Let's
spread
some
laughter
today
and
share
our
favorite
jokes!
【#幽默大师#】