1.
Discipline
is
the
bridge
between
goals
and
accomplishment.
【Brian
Tracy】
规律是实现目标的桥梁。
2.
If
you
want
to
make
your
dreams
come
true,
the
first
thing
you
have
to
do
is
wake
up.
【J.
M.
Power】
如果你想要实现梦想,你首先应该要醒来。
3.
Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal:
it
is
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts.
【Winston
Churchill】
成功并非终点,失败也不是致命一击:重要的是继续前行的勇气。
4.
The
secret
of
getting
ahead
is
getting
started.
【Mark
Twain】
取得成功的秘诀就是要开始行动。
5.
You
will
never
change
your
life
until
you
change
something
you
do
daily.
【John
C.
Maxwell】
你不会改变生活,除非你改变了你每天所做的事情。
6.
Discipline
is
the
foundation
upon
which
all
success
is
built.
【Jim
Rohn】
规律是取得成功的基础。
7.
Small
daily
improvements
are
the
key
to
staggering
long-term
results.
【Unknown】
每天微小的进步是实现惊人长期效果的关键。
8.
The
most
successful
people
are
those
who
are
disciplined
in
their
daily
habits.
【Unknown】
最成功的人是那些在日常习惯上有规律的人。
9.
Good
habits
formed
at
youth
make
all
the
difference.
【Aristotle】
在青年时期养成的好习惯,会造成重大影响。
10.
The
difference
between
a
successful
person
and
others
is
not
a
lack
of
strength,
not
a
lack
of
knowledge,
but
rather
a
lack
of
will.
【Vince
Lombardi】
成功人士和其他人的区别不是缺乏实力和知识,而是缺乏意志力。
11.
Motivation
gets
you
going,
but
discipline
keeps
you
growing.
【John
C.
Maxwell】
动力让你前行,规律让你成长。
12.
Success
is
nothing
more
than
a
few
simple
disciplines,
practiced
every
day.
【Jim
Rohn】
成功不过是每天实践几个简单的规律。
13.
Excellence
is
not
a
singular
act,
but
a
habit.
You
are
what
you
repeatedly
do.
【Shaquille
O'Neal】
优秀不是一次性的行为,而是一种习惯。
你反复做什么,你就是什么。
14.
Start
by
doing
what's
necessary;
then
do
what's
possible;
and
suddenly
you
are
doing
the
impossible.
【Francis
of
Assisi】
从做必需的事情开始,然后做可能的事情;突然间,你就做到了不可能的事情。
15.
Self-discipline
is
the
ability
to
make
yourself
do
what
you
should
do,
when
you
should
do
it,
whether
you
feel
like
it
or
not.
【Elbert
Hubbard】
自律是让你在该做的时候做该做的事情,无论你是否愿意。
16.
The
future
depends
on
what
you
do
today.
【Mahatma
Gandhi】
未来取决于你今天做的事情。
17.
Limitations
live
only
in
our
minds.
If
we
use
our
imaginations,
our
possibilities
become
limitless.
【Jamie
Paolinetti】
限制只存在于我们的思维中。
如果我们发挥想象力,我们的可能性就变得无限。
18.
We
are
what
we
repeatedly
do.
Excellence,
then,
is
not
an
act,
but
a
habit.
【Aristotle】
我们反复做什么,我们就是什么。
因此,优秀不是一次性的行为,而是一种习惯。
19.
The
future
is
something
which
everyone
reaches
at
the
rate
of
sixty
minutes
an
hour,
whatever
he
does,
whoever
he
is.
【C.
S.
Lewis】
未来是每个人都在每小时达到的东西,无论他做什么,他是谁。
20.
Success
is
the
sum
of
small
efforts,
repeated
day
in
and
day
out.
【Robert
Collier】
成功是小小努力的总和,日复一日地重复。