1.
"Tears
are
the
words
my
heart
cannot
express.
"【Sadness】
2.
"The
hardest
thing
to
do
is
pretend
that
you
are
not
hurting
when
you
are.
"【Hurt】
3.
"It's
better
to
have
loved
and
lost
than
to
never
have
loved
at
all.
"【Love】
4.
"Sometimes
you
just
have
to
accept
that
some
people
can
only
be
in
your
heart,
not
in
your
life.
"【Acceptance】
5.
"Someone
once
told
me
that
the
world
is
full
of
pain,
but
it's
also
full
of
beauty.
"【Hope】
6.
"It's
easy
to
smile
on
the
outside,
but
it
takes
real
strength
to
smile
through
the
pain.
"【Strength】
7.
"The
scars
you
can't
see
are
the
hardest
ones
to
heal.
"【Invisible
scars】
8.
"The
problem
with
heartbreak
is
that
it
doesn't
come
with
a
manual
on
how
to
recover.
"【Recovery】
9.
"Love
can
be
beautiful,
but
it
can
also
be
the
most
painful
thing
you
experience.
"【Contradiction】
10.
"Sometimes
you
lose
yourself
in
the
process
of
loving
someone
else.
"【Sacrifice】
11.
"The
worst
feeling
in
the
world
is
knowing
you
did
everything
you
could,
but
it
still
wasn't
enough.
"【Regret】
12.
"No
matter
how
hard
it
gets,
always
remember
that
tomorrow
is
a
new
day.
"【Hope】
13.
"Pain
is
temporary,
but
the
memories
remain.
"【Memories】
14.
"The
only
way
to
heal
a
broken
heart
is
time
and
self-love.
"【Healing】
15.
"It's
okay
to
not
be
okay
sometimes.
"【Acceptance】
16.
"The
deepest
wounds
are
often
the
ones
that
no
one
can
see.
"【Invisible
wounds】
17.
"Sometimes
the
person
who
causes
you
the
most
pain
is
the
person
you
love
the
most.
"【Irony】
18.
"We
can't
go
back
and
change
the
past,
but
we
can
choose
how
we
let
it
affect
our
future.
"【Choice】
19.
"The
pain
of
yesterday
is
the
strength
of
today.
"【Strength】
20.
"Don't
let
the
pain
of
the
past
overshadow
the
beauty
of
the
present.
"【Positivity】