1.
Love
is
like
a
virus,
it
can
infect
you
when
you
least
expect
it.
】
2.
successful
relationship
requires
falling
in
love
many
times,
always
with
the
same
person.
】
3.
Love
is
not
about
finding
the
perfect
person,
but
about
seeing
an
imperfect
person
perfectly.
】
4.
In
the
arithmetic
of
love,
one
plus
one
equals
everything,
and
two
minus
one
equals
nothing.
】
5.
Love
is
a
journey
that
starts
with
a
shared
smile
and
ends
with
two
souls
intertwined.
】
6.
True
love
is
like
a
tattoo,
it
may
fade
over
time,
but
the
marks
it
leaves
are
etched
forever.
】
7.
Love
is
the
only
kind
of
fire
that
is
never
covered
by
insurance.
】
8.
Love
is
not
just
looking
at
each
other,
but
looking
in
the
same
direction.
】
9.
kiss
is
a
lovely
trick
designed
by
nature
to
stop
speech
when
words
become
superfluous.
】
10.
Love
makes
you
do
crazy
things,
like
getting
matching
tattoos
on
your
first
date.
】
11.
You
know
you're
in
love
when
you
can't
fall
asleep
because
reality
is
finally
better
than
your
dreams.
】
12.
Love
is
like
a
rollercoaster,
it
has
its
ups
and
downs,
but
it's
still
worth
the
ride.
】
13.
Love
is
like
a
puzzle,
the
pieces
fit
perfectly
when
you
find
the
right
one.
】
14.
Love
is
not
blind,
it
sees
more
and
not
less,
but
because
it
sees
more,
it
is
willing
to
see
less.
】
15.
Love
is
like
a
butterfly,
delicate
and
beautiful,
but
sometimes
it's
hard
to
catch.
】
16.
Love
is
a
language
spoken
by
the
heart,
not
by
the
mouth.
】
17.
In
love,
there
is
no
such
thing
as
a
coincidence,
only
destiny
waiting
to
unfold.
】
18.
Love
is
a
sweet
torment
that
no
one
wants
to
escape
from.
】
19.
Love
is
the
only
weapon
that
can
conquer
hate.
】
20.
Love
is
like
a
good
cup
of
coffee,
it's
hot,
addictive,
and
keeps
you
awake
all
night.
】
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