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1.
True
success
is
not
measured
by
how
much
money
you
have,
but
by
how
happy
and
content
you
are
with
what
you
have.
【成功并非由你拥有多少财富测量,而是取决于你对所拥有东西的满足感。
】
2.
It's
not
about
being
rich
or
being
poor,
it's
about
making
the
most
out
of
what
you
have.
【成功并非由你拥有多少财富测量,而是取决于你对所拥有东西的满足感。
】
3.
Hard
work
and
determination
can
help
you
achieve
anything,
even
if
you
start
with
nothing.
【坚定的信念与不断的努力,即使你一无所有也能创造奇迹。
】
4.
Material
possessions
come
and
go,
but
the
value
of
a
kind
heart
and
a
strong
spirit
will
endure.
【物质的财富如潮水一般兴衰,而善良和坚韧的内心价值长存。
】
5.
Life
is
a
journey,
and
it's
up
to
you
to
make
the
most
of
it,
no
matter
where
you
started
or
where
you're
going.
【生命之旅就是如此,无论你身在何处,从哪里出发,最重要的是充分利用它。
】
6.
Don't
let
your
circumstances
define
you
-
define
yourself
by
your
actions
and
your
perseverance.
【不要由环境所定义,而是通过自己的行动和坚持来定义自己。
】
7.
The
greatest
wealth
is
the
richness
of
experience,
of
love,
and
of
community.
【最大的财富是经验、爱和社群的丰富。
】
8.
Success
is
not
about
how
much
you
have,
but
about
how
much
you
give
back
to
others.
【成功并非由你拥有多少财富测量,而是取决于你对他人付出的程度。
】
9.
It's
not
about
the
destination,
it's
about
the
journey
-
and
the
lessons
you
learn
along
the
way.
【重要的不是目的地,而是旅途中所学到的经验和教训。
】
10.
Remember
that
no
matter
how
tough
things
get,
you
always
have
the
power
to
turn
things
around.
【记住,无论情况多么困难,你总有能力扭转局面。
】
11.
Hope
is
the
light
that
can
guide
us
through
even
the
darkest
of
times.
【希望是我们在最黑暗的时刻仍能引领我们走出困境的光芒。
】
12.
Don't
wait
for
someone
else
to
give
you
opportunities
-
create
your
own.
【别等待别人给你机会,自己创造吧。
】
13.
There
is
strength
in
vulnerability
-
don't
be
afraid
to
ask
for
help
when
you
need
it.
【脆弱中有力量——当需要帮助时,不要害怕寻求帮助。
】
14.
Your
past
does
not
define
you
-
it's
your
present
actions
that
determine
your
future.
【过去不代表未来,而是你现在的行动决定了你的未来。
】
15.
Success
is
not
just
about
achieving
your
own
goals
-
it's
about
helping
others
achieve
theirs
as
well.
【成功不仅仅是实现自己的目标,还要帮助他人实现他们的目标。
】
16.
Life
is
not
always
fair,
but
that
doesn't
mean
you
can't
create
your
own
opportunities.
【生活并不总是公平的,但这不意味着你不能创造自己的机会。
】
17.
Don't
give
up
just
because
things
are
hard
-
the
most
rewarding
things
in
life
are
often
the
most
difficult
to
achieve.
【不要因为事情太难了而放弃——生命中最有价值的东西往往是最难实现的。
】
18.
Gratitude
and
kindness
can
go
a
long
way
in
making
even
the
toughest
situations
bearable.
【感恩和善良可以帮助我们在最艰难的情况下变得容易妥协。
】
19.
Remember
to
take
time
for
yourself
and
your
own
mental
health
-
it
is
just
as
important
as
anything
else.
【记得留出时间给自己和你的心理健康,它和其他任何事情一样重要。
】
20.
Your
circumstances
may
change,
but
your
inner
strength
and
resilience
will
always
be
with
you.
【你的环境可能会发生变化,但你的内心力量和韧性永远与你同在。
】