1.
"Curves
are
meant
to
be
embraced,
not
hidden.
"【温柔微胖】
2.
"Confidence
is
the
sexiest
curve
a
woman
can
have.
"【温柔微胖】
3.
"Being
comfortable
in
your
own
skin
is
the
ultimate
form
of
self-love.
"【温柔微胖】
4.
"Your
body
is
not
a
problem
to
be
solved,
it
is
a
vessel
to
be
celebrated.
"【温柔微胖】
5.
"Size
doesn't
define
beauty
-
it
is
merely
an
illusion
created
by
society.
"【温柔微胖】
6.
"You
are
not
defined
by
the
number
on
the
scale,
you
are
defined
by
the
love
you
give
to
yourself
and
others.
"【温柔微胖】
7.
"A
woman's
body
should
not
be
objectified,
but
instead
honored
for
the
beautiful
creation
it
is.
"【温柔微胖】
8.
"Life
is
too
short
to
waste
time
obsessing
over
the
perfect
body
-
enjoy
the
journey
and
embrace
your
imperfections.
"【温柔微胖】
9.
"You
don't
have
to
sacrifice
your
happiness
for
societal
standards
-
love
yourself
just
the
way
you
are.
"【温柔微胖】
10.
"Self-love
is
not
selfish,
it
is
essential
to
living
a
fulfilled
life.
"【温柔微胖】
11.
"You
are
not
a
before
and
after
picture,
you
are
a
work
of
art
that
is
constantly
evolving.
"【温柔微胖】
12.
"Beauty
starts
from
within
-
be
kind,
loving,
and
gentle
with
yourself.
"【温柔微胖】
13.
"Stop
comparing
yourself
to
others
-
you
are
unique
and
that
is
your
superpower.
"【温柔微胖】
14.
"Your
body
is
not
a
reflection
of
your
worth,
it
is
a
reflection
of
your
journey.
"【温柔微胖】
15.
"Love
yourself
enough
to
nourish
your
body
with
healthy
foods
and
exercise
that
make
you
happy,
not
to
punish
it.
"【温柔微胖】
16.
"Your
worth
is
not
determined
by
your
weight,
it
is
determined
by
the
love
you
have
for
yourself.
"【温柔微胖】
17.
"Embrace
your
curves
and
celebrate
your
femininity
-
there
is
no
one
size
fits
all
when
it
comes
to
beauty.
"【温柔微胖】
18.
"You
are
more
than
a
number
on
the
scale
-
you
are
a
beautiful
and
complex
human
being.
"【温柔微胖】
19.
"Life
is
too
precious
to
waste
time
hating
your
body
-
love
it,
cherish
it
and
take
good
care
of
it.
"【温柔微胖】
20.
"Beauty
comes
in
all
shapes,
sizes,
and
colors
-
embrace
your
uniqueness
and
love
yourself
fiercely.
"【温柔微胖】
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