1.
Tears
are
words
that
our
heart
can't
express.
【-Unknown】
2.
Every
heart
has
a
pain.
Only
the
way
of
expression
is
different.
【-Fools
Garden】
3.
The
heaviest
thing
in
the
world
is
not
a
weight,
but
a
burdened
heart.
【-Unknown】
4.
It
hurts
to
breathe
because
every
breath
take
proves
can't
live
without
you.
【-Unknown】
5.
Sometimes,
it's
better
to
be
alone.
Nobody
can
hurt
you.
【-Unknown】
6.
I'm
tired
of
trying,
tired
of
crying,
tired
of
suffering,
tired
of
everything.
【-Unknown】
7.
don't
know
why
I'm
still
hoping
when
there's
no
hope
left.
【-Unknown】
8.
I'm
not
okay,
but
I'll
pretend
am
for
the
sake
of
everyone
else.
【-Unknown】
9.
It's
hard
to
forget
someone
who
gave
you
so
much
to
remember.
【-Unknown】
10.
I'm
not
heartless,
I've
just
learned
how
to
use
my
heart
less.
【-Unknown】
11.
Silence
is
the
most
powerful
scream.
【-Unknown】
12.
It's
sad
when
the
people
who
gave
you
the
best
memories,
become
a
memory
themselves.
【-Unknown】
13.
never
knew
how
much
it
could
hurt
to
lose
someone
you
never
really
had.
【-Unknown】
14.
Sometimes,
you
just
need
to
distance
yourself
from
people.
If
they
care,
they'll
notice.
If
they
don't,
you
know
where
you
stand.
【-Unknown】
15.
It's
hard
to
let
go
of
someone
who
meant
so
much
to
you,
but
it's
the
only
way
to
move
on.
【-Unknown】
16.
don't
hate
you,
I'm
just
disappointed
that
you
turned
into
everything
you
said
you
wouldn't.
【-Unknown】
17.
Nobody
said
it
was
easy.
No
one
ever
said
it
would
be
this
hard.
【-Coldplay】
18.
wish
could
go
back
to
the
day
met
you
and
just
walk
away.
【-Unknown】
19.
Sometimes,
the
hardest
part
isn't
letting
go
but
rather
learning
to
start
over.
【-Nicole
Sobon】
20.
The
worst
feeling
in
the
world
is
knowing
you
did
everything
you
could
and
still
lost
them.
【-Unknown】