1.
The
sound
of
waves
crashing
against
the
shore
is
the
symphony
of
nature.
【美妙自然的交响乐】
2.
bird's
song
is
the
sweetest
melody
in
the
world.
【鸟鸣是世界上最甜美的旋律】
3.
The
gentle
breeze
whispered
secrets
to
the
plants
and
trees.
【轻柔的微风向植物和树木低语着秘密】
4.
The
sound
of
raindrops
tapping
against
the
window
is
a
lullaby
to
the
soul.
【雨滴敲打窗户的声音是灵魂的摇篮曲】
5.
The
chirping
of
crickets
on
a
summer
night
is
music
to
the
ears.
【夏夜中蟋蟀的鸣叫是一曲乐章】
6.
The
rustling
of
leaves
in
the
wind
is
a
dance
of
nature.
【风中树叶的沙沙声是大自然的舞蹈】
7.
The
sound
of
a
river
flowing
is
a
reminder
of
the
constant
movement
of
life.
【流淌的河水声让人想起生命的不断流动】
8.
The
laughter
of
children
playing
is
the
happiness
of
innocence.
【孩子的欢笑是无邪的快乐】
9.
The
breaking
of
waves
against
the
shore
is
the
power
of
the
ocean.
【海浪拍打岸边是海洋的力量】
10.
The
chirping
of
birds
in
the
morning
is
a
greeting
to
a
new
day.
【清晨鸟鸣是对新的一天的问候】
11.
The
hum
of
bees
gathering
nectar
is
the
work
of
nature's
pollinators.
【蜜蜂的嗡嗡声是大自然授粉的劳动】
12.
The
howl
of
wind
in
the
trees
is
the
voice
of
a
powerful
force
of
nature.
【树林中风声呼啸是大自然强大力量的声音】
13.
The
sound
of
thunder
is
a
reminder
of
the
beauty
and
danger
of
storms.
【雷声提醒我们风暴美丽而危险】
14.
The
crackling
of
a
fire
is
the
warmth
and
comfort
of
home.
【炉火的噼啪声是家的温暖和舒适】
15.
The
purring
of
a
cat
is
the
contentment
of
a
pet.
【猫咪的咕噜声是宠物的满足】
16.
The
sound
of
a
ticking
clock
is
the
constant
reminder
of
the
passage
of
time.
【滴答的时钟声是时间流逝的不断提醒】
17.
The
screech
of
an
owl
in
the
night
is
the
mysterious
voice
of
the
forest.
【夜晚猫头鹰的尖叫声是森林神秘的声音】
18.
The
buzz
of
a
hummingbird
is
the
delicacy
of
nature
at
work.
【蜂鸟的嗡嗡声是大自然微妙运作的表现】
19.
The
melody
of
a
well-played
piano
is
the
beauty
of
music.
【精湛的钢琴乐曲是音乐美学的体现】
20.
The
silence
of
the
night
sky
is
the
canvas
for
the
stars
to
shine.
【夜空的寂静是星星闪耀的背景】