1.
You're
welcome!
It's
my
pleasure
to
be
there
for
you.
【】
2.
No
problem
at
all.
I'm
always
happy
to
help
a
friend
in
need.
【】
3.
Don't
mention
it.
We're
friends
and
that's
what
friends
do.
【】
4.
Glad
could
be
of
assistance.
You
can
count
on
me
anytime.
【】
5.
Anytime,
my
friend.
That's
what
friends
are
for,
after
all.
【】
6.
It
was
nothing.
Just
happy
to
see
you
happy.
【】
7.
You're
more
than
welcome.
Helping
you
made
my
day.
【】
8.
Happy
to
help
out.
Friends
stick
together,
right?
【】
9.
My
pleasure.
You'd
do
the
same
for
me,
wouldn't
you?
【】
10.
It's
all
good.
Friends
help
each
other
out,
no
questions
asked.
【】
11.
You're
welcome.
I'm
always
here
to
lend
an
ear
or
give
a
hand.
【】
12.
No
worries.
Just
happy
to
see
you
doing
well.
【】
13.
It
was
nothing.
Friends
support
each
other,
that's
all.
【】
14.
Anytime.
I'm
just
glad
could
make
things
easier
for
you.
【】
15.
No
problem
at
all.
We're
in
this
together,
my
friend.
【】
16.
Happy
to
be
of
service.
That's
what
friends
are
for,
right?
【】
17.
You're
welcome.
It's
always
nice
to
see
a
friend
smile.
【】
18.
No
need
to
thank
me.
It's
what
friends
do
for
each
other.
【】
19.
Glad
to
help
out.
Friends
don't
let
friends
go
it
alone.
【】
20.
Anytime.
You
can
always
count
on
me
to
have
your
back.
【】