1.
“Hold
onto
kindness
and
let
it
bloom
into
something
beautiful.
”】
2.
“A
gentle
word
can
warm
a
heart
more
than
the
brightest
fire.
”】
3.
“Softness
is
strength,
and
compassion
is
power.
”】
4.
“The
power
of
love
is
in
its
gentleness.
”】
5.
“Comfort
words
are
like
a
soothing
balm
to
the
soul.
”】
6.
“There
is
no
force
more
powerful
than
a
gentle
touch.
”】
7.
“Kindness
is
like
a
ray
of
sunshine
that
warms
the
coldest
heart.
”】
8.
“The
most
valuable
gift
you
can
give
someone
is
your
gentle
presence.
”】
9.
“A
gentle
smile
can
light
up
the
darkest
day.
”】
10.
“The
world
needs
more
soft
hearts
and
gentle
souls.
”】
11.
“A
gentle
reminder
can
be
more
powerful
than
a
harsh
rebuke.
”】
12.
“We
can
change
the
world
with
our
kindness
and
compassion.
”】
13.
“The
quiet
strength
of
a
gentle
spirit
is
a
force
to
be
reckoned
with.
”】
14.
“True
power
lies
in
the
ability
to
approach
life
with
gentleness
and
grace.
”】
15.
“Love
is
the
most
powerful
force,
but
it
is
gentle
and
tender
in
its
approach.
”】
16.
“Kindness
is
like
a
gentle
breeze
that
cools
the
hot
tempers
of
the
world.
”】
17.
“A
gentle
heart
is
a
precious
gem
in
a
world
so
full
of
chaos.
”】
18.
“The
gentle
words
of
a
friend
can
heal
the
deepest
wounds.
”】
19.
“With
gentle
words,
we
can
inspire
others
to
greatness.
”】
20.
“In
a
world
where
you
can
be
anything,
be
gentle.
”】
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