1.
"Friends
are
the
family
we
choose
for
ourselves.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
2.
"True
friends
are
like
diamonds
-
bright,
beautiful,
valuable,
and
always
in
style.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
3.
"A
true
friend
is
someone
who
sees
the
pain
in
your
eyes
while
everyone
else
believes
the
smile
on
your
face.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
4.
"Friends
are
the
glue
that
holds
us
together
when
life
tries
to
tear
us
apart.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
5.
"A
loyal
friend
is
worth
more
than
all
the
riches
in
the
world.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
6.
"Friendship
is
not
about
being
there
when
it's
convenient.
It's
about
being
there
when
it's
not.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
7.
"Friends
are
the
ones
who
make
you
laugh
a
little
louder,
smile
a
little
brighter,
and
live
a
little
better.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
8.
"Friends
are
the
ones
who
know
all
about
you
and
still
love
you
anyway.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
9.
"A
true
friend
is
someone
who
walks
in
when
the
rest
of
the
world
walks
out.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
10.
"Friendship
is
born
at
that
moment
when
one
person
says
to
another:
'What!
You
too?
thought
was
the
only
one.
'"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
11.
"Good
friends
are
like
stars.
You
don't
always
see
them,
but
you
know
they're
always
there.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
12.
"Friends
are
the
ones
who
stick
around
even
when
the
going
gets
tough.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
13.
"A
true
friend
is
someone
who
listens
to
your
words,
understands
your
fears,
and
feels
your
pain.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
14.
"Friends
are
the
ones
who
make
your
problems
their
problems,
just
so
you
don't
have
to
face
them
alone.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
15.
"Friends
are
the
family
we
create
for
ourselves,
and
the
ones
who
choose
to
stay
through
thick
and
thin.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
16.
"A
good
friend
is
someone
who
can
finish
your
sentences
before
you
can,
and
know
what
you're
thinking
before
you
do.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
17.
"Friends
are
the
ones
who
understand
your
past,
believe
in
your
future,
and
accept
you
just
the
way
you
are.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
18.
"The
best
way
to
have
a
friend
is
to
be
one.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
19.
"Friends
are
the
ones
who
lift
you
up,
cheer
you
on,
and
make
your
life
a
little
brighter.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】
20.
"A
true
friend
is
someone
who
loves
you
despite
your
shortcomings,
flaws,
and
imperfections.
"
【感恩朋友圈陪伴】