1.
数学:
我们的爱情就像勾股定理,总是完美无瑕。
【love
is
like
a
perfect
Pythagorean
theorem.
】
2.
物理:你就像万有引力,让我离不开你。
【you
are
my
gravity,
can’t
escape
from
you.
】
3.
化学:和你在一起的时候,我感觉像是两个原子结合成一个分子,整个世界都变得完美了。
【when
am
with
you,
it
feels
like
two
atoms
combining
to
become
one
molecule,
and
the
whole
world
becomes
perfect.
】
4.
历史:
我们的爱情就像历史长河中的一段美丽篇章,无法磨灭。
【our
love
is
like
a
beautiful
chapter
in
the
long
history,
which
will
never
be
erased.
】
5.
地理:
就算天涯海角,我也要和你在一起,因为你是我的世界。
【even
if
we
are
at
opposite
ends
of
the
world,
still
want
to
be
with
you,
because
you
are
my
world.
】
6.
生物:我想是因为化学反应,我们才会爱上对方。
【I
think
we
fell
in
love
because
of
a
chemical
reaction.
】
7.
音乐:我不需要音乐,因为你就是我心灵深处的旋律。
【I
don't
need
music,
because
you
are
the
melody
in
my
heart.
】
8.
美术:你的美丽就像艺术品一样,让我沉醉其中。
【your
beauty
is
like
a
piece
of
art
that
makes
me
intoxicated.
】
9.
语文:我想用最美的文字来形容我们的爱情,但我发现没有任何一种语言可以表达。
【I
want
to
describe
our
love
with
the
most
beautiful
words,
but
find
no
language
can
express
it.
】
10.
英语:My
love
for
you
is
like
a
never-ending
story,
with
new
chapters
constantly
added.
【我的爱情就像永无止境的故事,不断增加新的篇章。
】
11.
体育:我们的爱情就像运动场上的默契一样,无需言语。
【our
love
is
like
the
tacit
understanding
on
the
sports
field,
no
need
for
words.
】
12.
地理:
无论风吹雨打,我们的爱情像大地一样稳固而长久。
【no
matter
the
wind
or
rain,
our
love
is
as
strong
and
long-lasting
as
the
earth.
】
13.
政治:虽然世事变迁,但你始终是我心中的国度。
【although
the
world
changes,
you
will
always
be
the
country
in
my
heart.
】
14.
班主任:
你就像我的班主任,给了我无尽的关爱和指引。
【you
are
like
my
homeroom
teacher,
giving
me
endless
love
and
guidance.
】
15.
写作:我想写一本关于我们之间爱情故事的书,不知道你愿不愿同行?【I
want
to
write
a
book
about
our
love
story.
Would
you
like
to
join
me?】
16.
哲学:爱情是人生的哲学,你是我一生中最重要的哲学家。
【love
is
the
philosophy
of
life,
and
you
are
the
most
important
philosopher
in
my
life.
】
17.
国际关系:像国际关系中的合作伙伴一样,我们可以合作共赢。
【like
cooperation
partners
in
international
relations,
let's
collaborate
for
a
win-win.
】
18.
经济学:你是我生命中最有价值的财富,我们的爱情是最好的投资。
【you
are
the
most
valuable
asset
in
my
life,
and
our
love
is
the
best
investment.
】
19.
舞蹈:和你一起跳舞,就像两个心灵在跳跃。
【dancing
with
you
is
like
two
souls
leaping.
】
20.
艺术:你是我的艺术品,让我沉醉其中。
【you
are
my
masterpiece,
making
me
intoxicated.
】