1.
"Love
is
just
a
history
that
they
may
prove,
and
when
you're
gone
I'll
tell
them
my
religion
was
you.
"
2.
"The
only
thing
that's
changing
is
my
everything.
"
3.
"Poker
face,
she's
got
to
love
nobody"
4.
"I'm
on
the
edge,
the
edge,
the
edge,
the
edge,
the
edge,
the
edge,
the
edge,
the
edge.
"
5.
"I
am
my
hair,
am
my
hair,
it's
all
the
glory
that
bear.
"
6.
"I'm
not
a
wandering
soul,
have
a
home.
"
7.
"Maybe
I'm
just
a
girl
on
a
mission,
but
I'm
ready
to
fly.
"
8.
"I'm
not
a
businesswoman,
I'm
a
business,
woman.
"
9.
"Don't
hide
yourself
in
regret,
just
love
yourself
and
you're
set.
"
10.
"Just
dance,
it
will
be
okay.
"
11.
"I've
been
afraid
of
changing,
'cause
built
my
life
around
you.
"
12.
"I
don't
speak
German,
but
can
if
you
like.
"
13.
"You're
never
alone,
'cause
you're
forever
haunted
by
dreams.
"
14.
"I'm
your
biggest
fan,
I'll
follow
you
until
you
love
me.
"
15.
"I'm
your
paradise,
I'm
your
dream
come
true.
"
16.
"We
could
be
lovers,
even
just
tonight.
"
17.
"Born
this
way,
baby
was
born
this
way.
"
18.
"You're
never
fully
dressed
without
a
smile.
"
19.
"The
monster
you
see
is
really
me.
"
20.
"I'm
gonna
marry
the
night,
won't
give
up
on
my
life.
"
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