1.
Sweat
today,
smile
tomorrow.
【#健身养生#】
2.
one-hour
workout
is
only
4%
of
your
day.
No
excuses.
【#运动生活#】
3.
The
gym
is
my
happy
place.
【#锻炼身体#】
4.
Stronger
every
day.
【#健康生活#】
5.
Train
insane
or
remain
the
same.
【#努力健身#】
6.
Exercise
is
a
celebration
of
what
your
body
can
do.
【#运动美好#】
7.
Fitness
is
not
about
being
better
than
someone
else,
it's
about
being
better
than
you
used
to
be.
【#勇攀高峰#】
8.
The
only
bad
workout
is
the
one
that
didn't
happen.
【#健身必备#】
9.
Sweat
is
just
fat
crying.
【#运动空气#】
10.
Fitness
is
not
a
destination,
it's
a
way
of
life.
【#锻炼提升#】
11.
The
body
achieves
what
the
mind
believes.
【#身心健康#】
12.
healthy
outside
starts
from
the
inside.
【#身体美丽#】
13.
The
harder
you
work,
the
better
you
look.
【#健身佳人#】
14.
Nothing
worth
having
comes
easy.
【#坚持锻炼#】
15.
Sweat,
smile,
repeat.
【#快乐锻炼#】
16.
Train
like
a
beast,
look
like
a
beauty.
【#美体重塑#】
17.
The
only
limit
is
the
one
you
set
for
yourself.
【#突破极限#】
18.
Your
only
competition
is
the
person
you
were
yesterday.
【#自我提升#】
19.
Exercise.
Eat
well.
Be
patient.
Your
body
will
reward
you.
【#享受锻炼#】
20.
You
don't
have
to
be
great
to
start,
but
you
have
to
start
to
be
great.
【#坚持运动#】