1.
My
life
is
a
constant
struggle
to
make
ends
meet.
【Life
is
tough.
】
2.
can't
afford
basic
necessities
like
food
and
shelter.
【Survival
is
difficult.
】
3.
Every
day
feels
like
a
battle
and
I'm
losing.
【Fighting
a
losing
battle.
】
4.
don't
have
any
support
system
to
fall
back
on
in
times
of
need.
【No
safety
net.
】
5.
My
health
is
deteriorating
because
can't
afford
proper
healthcare.
【Fading
health.
】
6.
feel
like
I'm
stuck
in
a
never-ending
cycle
of
poverty.
【Trapped
in
poverty.
】
7.
My
job
doesn't
pay
enough
to
cover
my
basic
expenses.
【Working
for
nothing.
】
8.
don't
have
any
opportunities
to
advance
my
career
or
improve
my
situation.
【No
room
for
improvement.
】
9.
I'm
always
stressed
about
money
and
it's
affecting
my
mental
health.
【Money
worries.
】
10.
feel
hopeless
and
powerless
to
change
my
circumstances.
【Feeling
helpless.
】
11.
Every
decision
make
is
dictated
by
my
financial
situation.
【Money
controls
me.
】
12.
can't
afford
to
have
any
hobbies
or
pursue
any
interests.
【Empty
life.
】
13.
I'm
constantly
in
debt
and
can't
seem
to
get
out
of
it.
【Buried
in
debt.
】
14.
My
living
conditions
are
terrible
and
unsafe.
【Living
in
squalor.
】
15.
don't
have
any
savings
or
financial
security
for
the
future.
【No
safety
for
the
future.
】
16.
have
to
make
sacrifices
every
day
just
to
survive.
【Making
sacrifices.
】
17.
The
future
looks
bleak
and
discouraging.
【No
hope
for
the
future.
】
18.
I'm
always
worried
about
unexpected
expenses
or
emergencies.
【Living
in
fear
of
the
unexpected.
】
19.
can't
afford
to
take
any
risks
or
try
anything
new.
【Stuck
in
a
rut.
】
20.
My
life
is
a
constant
reminder
of
how
unfair
the
world
can
be.
【Life
isn't
fair.
】