1.
My
son
has
a
great
taste
in
friends.
【友情万岁】
2.
am
so
proud
of
the
kind
and
loyal
friendships
my
son
has
built.
【朋友如心脏】
3.
Watching
my
son's
friends
grow
up
has
been
a
joy
and
a
privilege.
【谁言寸草心,报得三春晖】
4.
My
son's
friends
are
a
reflection
of
his
character,
and
he
has
chosen
wisely.
【人以群分】
5.
am
grateful
for
the
positive
influence
my
son's
friends
have
on
him.
【相辅相成,携手同行】
6.
Seeing
my
son
laugh
and
play
with
his
friends
makes
my
heart
full.
【童心未泯】
7.
My
son's
friends
are
like
family
to
us.
【有福同享,有难同当】
8.
love
watching
the
bonds
of
friendship
strengthen
between
my
son
and
his
friends.
【感情不言而喻】
9.
My
son's
friends
bring
out
the
best
in
him,
and
am
grateful
for
their
presence
in
his
life.
【宝剑锋从磨砺出】
10.
am
amazed
by
the
intelligence
and
talent
of
my
son's
friends.
【聚集智慧,共享天赋】
11.
The
loyalty
and
dedication
my
son's
friends
have
shown
him
is
truly
inspiring.
【石敢当之心】
12.
My
son's
friends
make
me
believe
in
the
power
of
friendship.
【不离不弃】
13.
Watching
my
son
and
his
friends
support
each
other
through
tough
times
reminds
me
of
the
importance
of
community.
【同舟共济】
14.
know
my
son's
friends
will
always
have
his
back,
and
that
gives
me
peace
of
mind.
【莫逆之交】
15.
My
son's
friends
have
become
an
integral
part
of
our
family's
life,
and
we
wouldn't
have
it
any
other
way.
【一个都不能少】
16.
My
son's
friends
challenge
him
to
be
a
better
person,
and
am
grateful
for
that
influence.
【切磋琢磨,相互勉励】
17.
Seeing
my
son's
friends
grow
into
kind-hearted,
responsible
adults
makes
me
proud.
【成长不易,人间值得】
18.
My
son's
friends
bring
light
and
joy
into
our
lives,
and
we
are
blessed
to
know
them.
【人之相识,贵在相知】
19.
admire
the
diversity
and
open-mindedness
of
my
son's
friend
group.
【和而不同】
20.
My
son's
friends
are
a
reminder
that
true
companionship
knows
no
boundaries.
【心有灵犀,彼此理解】