1.
挚爱成就一生的幸福【Love
builds
a
lifetime
of
happiness】
2.
爱情是婚姻的基石,而结婚是爱情的圆满【Love
is
the
foundation
of
marriage,
and
marriage
is
the
fulfillment
of
love】
3.
就像爱情需要维系一样,婚姻也需要不断呵护【Just
as
love
needs
nurturing,
marriage
needs
continuous
care】
4.
结婚让两个人的爱情升华为一种承诺【Marriage
is
the
elevation
of
love
into
a
promise】
5.
爱情是结婚的火花,婚姻是将火焰燃烧一生【Love
sparks
marriage,
while
marriage
keeps
the
flame
burning
for
a
lifetime】
6.
结婚不仅是两个人的事情,更是两个心灵的契合【Marriage
is
not
just
a
matter
of
two
people,
but
the
merging
of
two
souls】
7.
爱情是短暂的热情,婚姻是持久的守护【Love
is
fleeting
passion,
while
marriage
is
enduring
protection】
8.
结婚是一场携手走过艰难和幸福的旅程【Marriage
is
a
journey
of
facing
difficulties
and
happiness
together】
9.
爱情让人醉心,结婚让人坚定【Love
makes
one
infatuated,
while
marriage
makes
one
resolute】
10.
结婚是将两颗心紧密相连,创造一片安稳的港湾【Marriage
is
the
connection
of
two
hearts,
creating
a
peaceful
harbor】
11.
爱情是燃烧的火焰,婚姻是相互点燃的永恒【Love
is
a
burning
flame,
marriage
is
a
perpetual
mutual
ignition
】
12.
结婚是为了让彼此的爱情在时间的河流中不断流淌【Marriage
is
to
let
the
love
between
each
other
flow
perpetually
in
the
river
of
time】
13.
爱情是心动的瞬间,结婚是心中永不停歇的旋律【Love
is
the
moment
of
heart-pounding,
marriage
is
the
never-ending
melody
in
the
heart】
14.
拥抱结婚意味着在困难中互相扶持,在幸福中互相分享【Embracing
marriage
means
supporting
each
other
in
difficulties
and
sharing
happiness
together】
15.
爱情的完美时刻,融入结婚的美妙奇迹【The
perfect
moment
of
love
blends
into
the
wonderful
miracle
of
marriage】
16.
结婚是对未来的一种美丽预见,对过去的美好回忆【Marriage
is
a
beautiful
anticipation
for
the
future,
and
a
cherished
memory
of
the
past】
17.
爱情是两颗心跳的共振,结婚是两颗心灵的交织【Love
is
the
resonance
of
two
hearts,
and
marriage
is
the
intertwining
of
two
souls】
18.
结婚是让爱情在岁月的洗礼中变得更加深厚【Marriage
makes
love
grow
deeper
through
the
baptism
of
time】
19.
爱情是生命的火花,结婚是一片温馨的家园【Love
is
the
spark
of
life,
and
marriage
is
a
warm
home】
20.
结婚是为了封存爱情,让它在岁月中绽放出更加迷人的芬芳【Marriage
is
to
seal
love
and
let
it
bloom
more
charmingly
in
the
passing
of
time】