1.
"Life
is
too
short
to
waste
on
frivolous
pursuits.
"【思考人生的时刻到来了】
2.
"It's
time
to
take
control
of
your
destiny
and
forge
a
new
path.
"【走出迷茫的迷宫】
3.
"Don't
let
fear
hold
you
back
from
living
the
life
you
deserve.
"
【挑战恐惧,开启新的未来】
4.
"Breaking
free
from
the
chains
of
bad
habits
is
the
first
step
towards
liberation.
"
【跨越自我,实现蜕变】
5.
"Embrace
change
and
let
go
of
what
no
longer
serves
you.
"
【迎接变化,释放束缚】
6.
"You
have
the
power
to
transform
your
life
into
whatever
you
want
it
to
be.
"
【你可以创造属于自己的人生】
7.
"Don't
settle
for
mediocrity
when
greatness
is
within
reach.
"
【拥有伟大还需靠自己的努力】
8.
"True
happiness
comes
from
within,
not
from
material
possessions.
"
【幸福源于内心,而非外在的物质世界】
9.
"Look
for
inspiration
in
every
moment
and
make
the
most
of
every
opportunity.
"
【寻找灵感,把握每一个机遇】
10.
"Challenge
yourself
to
be
better
every
day
and
never
stop
learning.
"
【追求卓越,不断学习】
11.
"Life
is
a
journey,
and
it's
up
to
you
to
make
it
a
fulfilling
one.
"
【生命之旅,何不充满意义】
12.
"You
are
the
master
of
your
own
fate,
and
the
captain
of
your
own
destiny.
"
【你是自己命运的主宰和舵手】
13.
"Don't
dwell
on
the
past,
focus
on
the
present,
and
prepare
for
the
future.
"
【不要过度纠结于过去,关注现在,为未来做准备】
14.
"The
only
limit
to
what
you
can
achieve
is
the
limit
you
set
for
yourself.
"
【你能达到的唯一限制,是你对自己设定的限制】
15.
"Be
bold,
be
brave,
and
step
outside
of
your
comfort
zone.
"
【勇往直前,走出舒适区】
16.
"Don't
wait
for
success
to
come
knocking,
create
your
own
opportunities.
"
【创造属于自己的机遇,成就辉煌】
17.
"Take
risks
and
embrace
failure
as
a
stepping
stone
to
success.
"
【勇于冒险,把失败当作成功的踏脚石】
18.
"Follow
your
passion
and
let
it
lead
you
to
your
ultimate
purpose.
"
【跟随激情,找到人生的最终归宿】
19.
"Don't
let
the
noise
of
the
world
drown
out
your
inner
voice.
"
【不要让外界噪音压过内心的声音】
20.
"You
are
capable
of
greatness,
so
believe
in
yourself
and
let
your
light
shine.
"
【你有伟大的潜力,相信自己,让光芒闪耀】