1.
Speak
up
and
make
your
voice
heard.
Don't
be
gentle
about
it.
】
2.
Sometimes
you
need
to
be
tough
to
get
what
you
want.
】
3.
Don't
let
others
push
you
around.
Stand
up
for
yourself
and
don't
be
gentle.
】
4.
You
can
be
kind
without
being
fragile.
Strength
and
gentleness
can
coexist.
】
5.
Show
your
strength
and
don't
hold
back.
Being
gentle
won't
always
get
you
what
you
need.
】
6.
Be
firm
in
your
decisions
and
actions.
Don't
be
afraid
to
be
assertive.
】
7.
It's
okay
to
be
blunt
and
to
the
point.
Don't
sugarcoat
things
if
they
need
to
be
said.
】
8.
Don't
let
anyone
take
advantage
of
you.
Don't
be
gentle,
be
fierce.
】
9.
Life
is
tough,
so
you
have
to
be
tougher.
Don't
be
gentle
when
it
comes
to
your
goals
and
ambitions.
】
10.
Speak
your
mind
and
stand
up
for
what
you
believe
in.
Don't
be
gentle
when
it
comes
to
your
values.
】
11.
Don't
be
afraid
of
confrontation.
It's
okay
to
be
harsh
when
it's
necessary.
】
12.
Be
confident
and
assertive
in
your
actions
and
decisions.
Don't
be
too
gentle
with
yourself.
】
13.
Don't
be
afraid
to
be
a
little
selfish.
Sometimes
you
need
to
put
yourself
first
and
be
tough
about
it.
】
14.
Don't
let
anyone
bring
you
down.
Be
strong
and
unyielding.
】
15.
Don't
be
afraid
to
set
boundaries
and
enforce
them.
Don't
be
gentle
when
it
comes
to
your
personal
space
and
time.
】
16.
It's
okay
to
say
no
and
to
stand
your
ground.
Don't
be
gentle
when
it
comes
to
your
own
needs
and
desires.
】
17.
Sometimes
tough
love
is
the
best
kind
of
love.
Don't
be
too
gentle
with
those
who
need
push
and
motivation.
】
18.
Don't
be
intimidated
by
others.
Show
your
strength
and
resilience.
】
19.
Be
strong
in
your
convictions
and
don't
waver.
Don't
be
gentle
when
it
comes
to
your
principles.
】
20.
Embrace
your
inner
warrior
and
don't
be
afraid
to
show
your
fierceness.
Don't
be
gentle
when
it
comes
to
fighting
for
what
you
want.
】
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