1.
Your
soul
is
beautiful,
and
your
words
are
warm.
【美丽的灵魂和温暖的言语一起呈现】
2.
Let
us
be
gentle
in
the
way
we
speak
and
kind
in
the
way
we
act.
【言行都要温柔,让我们一起做个温暖的人】
3.
small
act
of
kindness
can
go
a
long
way
in
making
someone's
day.
【小小的温暖之举,可以绽放美好的阳光】
4.
There
is
something
magical
about
the
power
of
softness
and
kindness.
【软弱和善良的力量总能化腐朽为神奇】
5.
Don't
just
hear,
listen.
Don't
just
talk,
communicate.
【不仅要听,更要倾听;不仅要说话,更要沟通】
6.
Every
smile
you
give,
every
kind
word
you
say,
makes
the
world
a
better
place.
【每个微笑和每句温柔的话都能让世界变得更美好】
7.
Rain
or
shine,
let
us
spread
kindness
and
warmth
wherever
we
go.
【无论晴天雨天,带着善良和温暖走到哪里】
8.
kind
heart
is
more
valuable
than
any
material
possession.
【善良的心灵比任何物质财富都更珍贵】
9.
Life
is
too
short
to
be
anything
but
gentle.
【人生苦短,何必刻薄相待】
10.
Let
your
light
shine
bright
with
the
warmth
of
your
words.
【用温暖的言语点亮内心的光芒】
11.
Do
something
every
day
that
makes
someone
else's
day
a
little
brighter.
【每天都做一些让他人更加幸福的小事】
12.
Kindness
is
the
language
of
love.
【善良是表达爱的语言】
13.
Sometimes
all
it
takes
is
one
smile
to
brighten
someone's
day.
【有时一个微笑就能点亮他人的日子】
14.
The
world
needs
more
gentle
hearts
and
kind
souls.
【世界需要更多的温柔之心和善良之魂】
15.
Love
and
kindness
are
the
answers
to
everything
that
is
wrong
with
this
world.
【爱和善良是这个世界上一切不好的根源所在】
16.
Let
us
be
humble
in
our
words
and
gentle
in
our
actions.
【言谈谦虚,行为温和】
17.
Life
is
too
precious
to
waste
on
negativity
and
harsh
words.
【生命太宝贵了,不要浪费在消极和尖酸刻薄的言辞中】
18.
Every
kind
act
you
do
ripples
out
into
the
world,
creating
a
beautiful
chain
reaction
of
love
and
goodness.
【你每一次善良的行为都将在世界中徐徐荡漾,形成美好的连锁反应】
19.
The
greatest
gift
you
can
give
someone
is
the
warmth
of
your
heart
and
the
kindness
of
your
soul.
【给予别人最大的礼物,是把自己心灵的温暖和灵魂的善良送给他们】
20.
Let
us
be
kind
to
ourselves
and
others,
for
we
are
all
on
this
journey
together.
【让我们善待自己和他人,因为我们都在这个旅程中】