1.
"In
order
to
heal
your
heart,
you
must
first
address
the
pain
that
resides
within
it.
"
【治愈伤感的第一步就是面对你内心的痛苦。
】
2.
"Sadness
may
linger,
but
it
does
not
have
to
define
you.
"
【悲伤可能悠长,但它并不一定就定义了你的人生。
】
3.
"When
the
world
feels
heavy,
take
comfort
in
knowing
that
you
have
the
strength
to
carry
on.
"
【当感觉这个世界很沉重时,要知道你有足够的力量去坚持。
】
4.
"Sometimes
the
most
healing
thing
we
can
do
is
simply
to
let
ourselves
feel.
"
【有时候,最治愈的事情就是给自己时间去感受内心的情绪。
】
5.
"You
are
not
alone
in
your
pain.
Reach
out
and
let
others
help
you
carry
your
burden.
"
【你的伤痛并不孤单,找到人们帮助你分担。
】
6.
"The
road
to
healing
may
be
long
and
difficult,
but
every
step
forward
is
a
victory.
"
【康复路可能漫长而艰难,但是每往前迈一步都算是一次胜利。
】
7.
"Forgiving
doesn't
mean
forgetting,
it
means
letting
go
of
the
hurt
and
moving
forward.
"
【宽恕不是忘记,而是放下伤害,向前跨出一步。
】
8.
"The
darkest
moments
of
our
lives
can
lead
us
to
the
brightest
moments
of
our
future.
"
【人生最黑暗的时刻可能会迎来最灿烂的未来。
】
9.
"You
are
stronger
than
you
think.
Keep
going.
"
【你比你认为的更强大,继续前行。
】
10.
"Pain
demands
to
be
felt,
but
it
also
has
the
power
to
transform
us.
"
【痛苦想要被感受到,但它也有能力改变我们。
】
11.
"Healing
is
not
a
destination,
it
is
a
journey.
Be
patient
with
yourself.
"
【康复不是一个目标,而是一个旅程。
要耐心对待自己。
】
12.
"When
everything
feels
broken,
remember
that
you
are
still
whole.
"
【当一切都感觉破碎了,请记得你依然是完整的。
】
13.
"Tough
times
don't
last,
but
tough
people
do.
"
【艰难时刻不会持续,但强者会一直存在。
】
14.
"Your
pain
is
valid,
but
it
does
not
define
you.
You
are
so
much
more.
"
【你的疼痛是真实的,但它并不定义你。
你拥有更多。
】
15.
"There
is
no
shame
in
seeking
help
when
you
need
it.
It
takes
strength
to
ask
for
it.
"
【需要帮助并不可耻,寻求帮助是一种勇气。
】
16.
"The
past
does
not
have
to
dictate
your
future.
You
have
the
power
to
create
a
new
story.
"
【过去不应该决定未来,你有创造自己人生的力量。
】
17.
"Hope
is
the
antidote
to
despair,
and
it
can
be
found
even
in
the
darkest
of
moments.
"
【希望是绝望的解药,甚至在最黑暗的时刻也能找到。
】
18.
"Grief
is
not
a
sign
of
weakness.
It
is
a
sign
of
love.
"
【悲伤不是软弱的表现,而是爱的证明。
】
19.
"Never
underestimate
the
power
of
a
fresh
start.
You
are
capable
of
more
than
you
know.
"
【不要低估重新开始的力量,你能做的比你想象的更多。
】
20.
"Remember,
just
because
you
are
hurting
now
does
not
mean
you
will
always
feel
this
way.
Healing
is
possible.
"
【请记住,现在虽然感到疼痛,但并不代表你永远都会这样。
康复是可能的。
】