1.
"She
may
be
gone,
but
her
memories
will
forever
be
etched
in
my
heart.
"
【永难忘怀】
2.
"My
grandmother
was
not
just
a
person,
she
was
a
light
that
shone
brightly
in
my
life.
"
【明亮温暖】
3.
"Those
we
love
don't
go
away,
they
walk
beside
us
every
day.
"
【心有所依】
4.
"Her
love
was
a
beacon
that
guided
me
through
the
darkest
moments.
"
【引导前行】
5.
"I
may
have
lost
my
grandmother,
but
she
has
gained
her
wings
and
is
now
watching
over
me.
"
【守护天使】
6.
"Her
loss
has
left
a
void
in
my
life
that
can
never
be
filled.
"
【永恒遗憾】
7.
"My
grandmother's
memory
is
my
keepsake,
with
which
I'll
never
part.
"
【青春依旧】
8.
"In
her
final
moments,
my
grandmother's
eyes
were
filled
with
love,
and
her
heart
was
overflowing
with
grace.
"
【慈爱天使】
9.
"Goodbyes
are
not
forever,
they
are
simply
a
temporary
separation
until
we
meet
again.
"
【暂别相聚】
10.
"My
grandmother's
presence
will
never
fade,
even
though
she's
no
longer
physically
here.
"
【永存心间】
11.
"She
taught
me
the
value
of
hard
work,
compassion,
and
humility,
and
for
that,
I'll
forever
be
grateful.
"
【感恩付出】
12.
"My
grandmother's
laughter
echoed
through
our
lives,
and
her
smile
brightened
up
our
darkest
days.
"
【欢声笑语】
13.
"Her
memories
will
continue
to
inspire
me
to
be
a
better
person
and
to
live
a
life
that
she'd
be
proud
of.
"
【照亮前行】
14.
"Her
love
was
greater
than
any
distance,
and
her
spirit
was
stronger
than
any
separation.
"
【情系生死】
15.
"My
grandmother's
gentle
touch
and
soothing
words
are
forever
etched
in
my
memory.
"
【温馨满怀】
16.
"The
beauty
of
my
grandmother's
soul
lives
on,
even
though
her
body
has
left
this
world.
"
【精神昂扬】
17.
"She
may
not
physically
be
here,
but
her
legacy
will
continue
to
live
on
through
her
children
and
grandchildren.
"
【传承希冀】
18.
"My
grandmother's
life
was
a
gift,
and
her
love
was
a
treasure.
"
【珍贵恩爱】
19.
"Her
passing
may
have
left
a
hole
in
my
heart,
but
her
memory
is
a
bridge
that
connects
us
forever.
"
【紧握不放】
20.
"My
grandmother's
life
may
have
been
a
journey,
but
her
love
has
left
a
lasting
impression
on
my
heart.
"
【终生难忘】
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