1.
Excuse
me,
do
you
have
the
time?
【-
/ɪkˈskjuːz
miː,
duː
juː
hæv
ðə
taɪm?/】
2.
Could
you
please
pass
me
the
salt?
【-
/kʊd
juː
pliːz
pæs
miː
ðə
sɔːlt?/】
3.
I'll
have
a
coffee
to
go,
please.
【-
/aɪl
hæv
ə
ˈkɑːfi
tuː
ɡoʊ,
pliːz/】
4.
How
much
is
the
admission
fee?
【-
/haʊ
mʌtʃ
ɪz
ðiː
ədˈmɪʃən
fiː?/】
5.
What's
the
weather
forecast
for
today?
【-
/wɑːts
ðə
ˈwɛðər
ˈfɔːrkæst
fɔːr
təˈdeɪ?/】
6.
need
to
make
a
reservation
for
two.
【-
/aɪ
niːd
tuː
meɪk
ə
ˌrɛzərˈveɪʃən
fɔːr
tuː/】
7.
Can
help
you
with
your
bags?
【-
/kæn
aɪ
hɛlp
juː
wɪð
jɔːr
bæɡz?/】
8.
Excuse
me,
where
is
the
nearest
restroom?
【-
/ɪkˈskjuːz
miː,
wɛr
ɪz
ðə
ˈnɪərɪst
ˈrɛstruːm?/】
9.
I'm
sorry,
didn't
catch
your
name.
【-
/aɪm
ˈsɑːri,
aɪ
ˈdɪdnt
kætʃ
jɔːr
neɪm/】
10.
How
do
get
to
the
airport
from
here?
【-
/haʊ
duː
aɪ
ɡɛt
tuː
ðiː
ˈɛrˌpɔrt
frəm
hɪr?/】
11.
I'd
like
a
window
seat,
please.
【-
/aɪd
laɪk
ə
ˈwɪndoʊ
sit
pliːz/】
12.
Is
there
a
pharmacy
nearby?
【-
/ɪz
ðɛr
ə
ˈfɑːrməsi
ˈnɪrbaɪ?/】
13.
Can
have
the
check,
please?
【-
/kæn
aɪ
hæv
ðə
tʃɛk
pliːz?/】
14.
What's
the
Wi-Fi
password?
【-
/wɑːts
ðə
ˈwaɪfaɪ
ˈpæswɜːrd?/】
15.
Would
you
like
to
order
dessert?
【-
/wʊd
juː
laɪk
tuː
ˈɔːrdər
dɪˈzɜːrt?/】
16.
Can
you
recommend
any
good
restaurants
around
here?
【-
/kæn
juː
ˌrɛkəˈmɛnd
ˈɛni
ɡʊd
ˈrɛstrɔːnts
əˈraʊnd
hɪr?/】
17.
need
to
withdraw
some
cash
from
an
【-
/aɪ
niːd
tuː
wɪðˈdrɔː
ˈsʌm
kæʃ
frəm
ən
ˌeɪtiːˈɛm/】
18.
What's
the
exchange
rate
between
dollars
and
euros?
【-
/wɑːts
ðiː
ɪksˈʧeɪndʒ
reɪt
bɪˈtwiːn
ˈjuːˌɛs
ˈdɑːlərz
ənd
ˈjʊərəʊz?/】
19.
Can
you
repeat
that,
please?
didn't
quite
understand.
【-
/kæn
juː
rɪˈpiːt
ðæt,
pliːz?
aɪ
ˈdɪdnt
kwaɪt
ˌʌndərˈstænd/】
20.
Do
you
have
any
vegetarian
options
on
the
menu?
【-
/duː
juː
hæv
ˈɛni
ˌvɛdʒɪˈtɛəriən
ˈɒpʃənz
ɒn
ðiː
ˈmɛnjuː?/】
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