1.
"To
be
or
not
to
be,
that
is
the
question.
"
【Shakespeare】
2.
"Love
looks
not
with
the
eyes,
but
with
the
mind,
And
therefore
is
winged
Cupid
painted
blind.
"
【A
Midsummer
Night's
Dream】
3.
"Doubt
thou
the
stars
are
fire;
Doubt
that
the
sun
doth
move;
Doubt
truth
to
be
a
liar;
But
never
doubt
love.
"
【Hamlet】
4.
"When
saw
you
fell
in
love,
and
you
smiled
because
you
knew.
"
【Romeo
and
Juliet】
5.
"Love
all,
trust
a
few,
do
wrong
to
none.
"
【All's
Well
That
Ends
Well】
6.
"The
course
of
true
love
never
did
run
smooth.
"
【A
Midsummer
Night's
Dream】
7.
"If
music
be
the
food
of
love,
play
on.
"
【Twelfth
Night】
8.
"My
bounty
is
as
boundless
as
the
sea,
my
love
as
deep;
the
more
give
to
thee,
the
more
have,
for
both
are
infinite.
"
【Romeo
and
Juliet】
9.
"Love
is
not
love
which
alters
when
it
alteration
finds.
"
【Sonnet
116】
10.
"When
am
with
you,
we
stay
up
all
night.
When
you're
not
here,
can't
go
to
sleep.
"
【Two
Gentlemen
of
Verona】
11.
"Love
sought
is
good,
but
given
unsought,
is
better.
"
【Twelfth
Night】
12.
"I
would
not
wish
any
companion
in
the
world
but
you.
"
【The
Tempest】
13.
"The
very
first
moment
beheld
him,
my
heart
was
irrevocably
gone.
"
【Sense
and
Sensibility】
14.
"Love
is
like
a
child,
That
longs
for
everything
it
can
come
by.
"
【The
Two
Gentlemen
of
Verona】
15.
"Though
she
be
but
little,
she
is
fierce.
"
【A
Midsummer
Night's
Dream】
16.
"They
do
not
love
that
do
not
show
their
love.
"
【The
Two
Gentlemen
of
Verona】
17.
"The
sight
of
lovers
feedeth
those
in
love.
"
【As
You
Like
It】
18.
"I
have
loved
none
but
you.
"
【Persuasion】
19.
"Who
ever
loved
that
loved
not
at
first
sight?"
【As
You
Like
It】
20.
"Love
is
not
a
feeling
of
happiness.
Love
is
a
willingness
to
sacrifice.
"
【The
Perfect
Stranger】
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