1.
Friendship
is
not
about
who
you
spend
the
most
time
with,
it's
about
who
you
have
the
best
time
with.
【友情】
2.
true
friend
is
someone
who
sees
the
pain
in
your
eyes
while
everyone
else
believes
the
smile
on
your
face.
【真友谊】
3.
Friends
don't
let
friends
go
through
tough
times
alone.
【互相扶持】
4.
In
the
journey
of
life,
friends
are
the
ones
who
make
it
memorable.
【人生之旅】
5.
friend
is
someone
who
knows
all
about
you
and
still
loves
you.
【了解与爱】
6.
Friends
are
like
stars,
they
come
and
go,
but
the
ones
that
stay
light
up
your
life.
【闪耀的朋友】
7.
true
friend
is
someone
who
accepts
your
past,
supports
your
present
and
encourages
your
future.
【真正的朋友】
8.
loyal
friend
laughs
at
your
jokes
when
they're
not
so
good,
and
sympathizes
with
your
problems
when
they're
not
so
bad.
【忠诚可贵】
9.
Friends
are
the
family
we
choose
for
ourselves.
【自选的家人】
10.
good
friend
is
like
a
four-leaf
clover,
hard
to
find
but
lucky
to
have.
【好友如四叶草】
11.
True
friends
are
never
apart,
maybe
in
distance
but
not
in
heart.
【心与心相连】
12.
friend
is
someone
who
gives
you
total
freedom
to
be
yourself.
【自由与友谊】
13.
The
best
things
in
life
are
the
people
we
love,
the
places
we've
been
and
the
memories
we've
made
with
our
friends.
【美好的人生】
14.
Friends
make
the
world
a
better
place
to
live
in.
【友谊世界美好】
15.
Friendship
is
the
only
cement
that
will
hold
the
world
together.
【友谊是粘合剂】
16.
friend
is
one
of
the
nicest
things
you
can
have,
and
one
of
the
best
things
you
can
be.
【友谊之美】
17.
One
of
the
most
beautiful
qualities
of
true
friendship
is
to
understand
and
be
understood.
【理解与被理解】
18.
Friends
are
the
pillars
on
your
porch,
sometimes
they
hold
you
up,
sometimes
they
lean
on
you,
and
sometimes
it's
just
enough
to
know
they
are
standing
by.
【友谊与支持】
19.
true
friend
is
someone
you
can
disagree
with
and
still
remain
friends.
【爱与包容】
20.
The
greatest
gift
of
life
is
friendship,
and
have
received
it.
【友谊是最大的礼物】
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