1.
"爱情陷阱,深不见底,どれくらいなら、出れるのか?」(Love
Trap,
it's
so
deep
that
can't
see
the
bottom,
how
much
longer
can
endure?")
2.
"禁断の恋、切なく静かに悲しみを味わう、どうしようもない心の傷が広がっていく。
」(Forbidden
love,
taste
the
sadness
silently,
the
unbearable
wounds
in
my
heart
keep
spreading.
")
3.
"最初から知っていた恋愛の罠に、痛みを抱えながらも私は引きずられる。
果たして、抜け出すことはできるのか?」(Knowing
from
the
start
that
it's
a
love
trap,
I'm
dragged
along
with
pain.
Can
really
escape?)
4.
"愛と欲望の影に閉ざされた世界で、私は自分自身を迷いながらも、愛を求め続ける。
」(In
a
world
shrouded
in
love
and
desire,
continue
to
seek
love,
while
losing
myself
along
the
way.
)
5.
"心の迷宮に囚われて、痛みと喜びが交差する。
愛情陷阱、どんなに深くても願いは消えない。
」(Trapped
in
the
labyrinth
of
my
heart,
pain
and
joy
intertwine.
No
matter
how
deep
the
love
trap
is,
the
desire
never
fades.
)
6.
"心が痛みで絡まれ、愛の糸に結ばれたまま逃れられない。
愛情陷阱、君に溺れていく。
」(My
heart
is
entangled
in
pain,
unable
to
escape
the
threads
of
love.
Love
trap,
I'm
drowning
in
you.
)
7.
"被该死的爱情迷住,我在黑暗中徘徊。
这个世界是否有出口?」(Ensnared
by
the
damned
love,
wander
in
darkness.
Is
there
an
exit
in
this
world?)
8.
"折磨我灵魂的是,明知道这是一场游戏,却还是愿意迷失在其中。
愛情陷阱,我彻底沉迷其中。
」(Tormenting
my
soul,
willingly
lose
myself
in
this
game
despite
knowing
it's
just
that.
Love
trap,
I'm
completely
addicted.
)
9.
"在爱情的幻象中迷失,我感到孤独和脆弱。
愛情陷阱,无法摆脱的困境。
」(Lost
in
the
illusion
of
love,
feel
lonely
and
vulnerable.
Love
trap,
an
inescapable
predicament.
)
10.
"伤心的恋曲,在我心中悲绪依旧。
愛情陷阱,漩涡般的痛苦。
」(A
heartbreaking
love
song,
the
sadness
still
lingers
in
my
heart.
Love
trap,
a
vortex
of
pain.
)
11.
"不可控制的爱情,就像柔弱的羽翼,无法挣脱它的禁锢。
愛情陷阱,我陷入了无法逃脱的困境。
」(Uncontrollable
love,
like
fragile
wings,
unable
to
break
free
from
its
captivity.
Love
trap,
I'm
trapped
in
an
inescapable
predicament.
)
12.
"爱情陷阱,明知道是错的,却麻痹地陷入其中。
现在,我只能苦苦保持着沉默。
」(Love
trap,
knowing
it's
wrong,
yet
numbly
falling
into
it.
Now,
can
only
remain
in
painful
silence.
)
13.
"痛苦的回忆如影随形,我在破碎的梦境中苦苦挣扎。
愛情陷阱,像世界的尽头一样无法逃离。
」(Painful
memories
haunt
me,
struggle
in
shattered
dreams.
Love
trap,
like
the
end
of
the
world,
impossible
to
escape.
)
14.
"在感情的迷宫中徘徊,我只能无时无刻地忍受着爱情的折磨。
愛情陷阱,如此深不见底。
」(Wandering
in
the
labyrinth
of
emotions,
can
only
endure
the
torment
of
love
at
every
moment.
Love
trap,
so
bottomless.
)
15.
"爱情陷阱如此美丽,却又充满伤痛,每一个拥抱背后都隐藏着无尽的悲剧。
」(Love
trap
is
so
beautiful,
yet
filled
with
pain,
every
embrace
hides
endless
tragedies.
)
16.
"被欲望网住,我无力自拔,爱的迷宫如此纷繁复杂。
愛情陷阱,扑朔迷离,却无法离开。
」(Trapped
by
desire,
I'm
powerless
to
escape,
the
maze
of
love
is
so
intricate.
Love
trap,
bewildering,
yet
impossible
to
leave.
)
17.
"陷入了这个禁忌的爱,我被囚禁在一个荒芜的内心领域。
愛情陷阱,永远都无法逃脱。
」(Trapped
in
this
forbidden
love,
I'm
imprisoned
in
a
desolate
inner
realm.
Love
trap,
can
never
escape.
)
18.
"爱的诅咒,注定无法自拔,那份悲伤永远都深深地藏在我内心深处。
愛情陷阱,无可挽救。
」(The
curse
of
love,
destined
to
be
unable
to
extricate
myself,
that
sadness
will
forever
be
deeply
hidden
in
my
heart.
Love
trap,
beyond
salvation.
)
19.
"我的行为和思绪被爱情自由地撕裂,每一次相遇都是注定无法化解的悲剧。
愛情陷阱,我继续坠落。
」(My
actions
and
thoughts
are
torn
apart
freely
by
love,
every
encounter
is
a
tragedy
that
cannot
be
resolved.
Love
trap,
continue
to
fall.
)
20.
"挣扎着逃离爱情的绳索,却越陷越深。
愛情陷阱,追寻着无尽的虚幻。
」(Struggling
to
break
free
from
the
ropes
of
love,
only
to
sink
deeper.
Love
trap,
chasing
endless
illusions.
)
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