1.
Goodbye
is
not
the
end,
but
a
new
beginning.
【】
2.
Farewell,
my
love,
may
you
find
happiness
and
peace.
【】
3.
When
someone
leaves
us,
they
take
a
piece
of
our
hearts
with
them.
【】
4.
The
memories
we
shared
will
never
fade
away,
even
if
we
say
goodbye.
【】
5.
Saying
goodbye
is
never
easy,
but
it
is
necessary
for
growth
and
change.
【】
6.
Goodbyes
are
bittersweet,
but
they
allow
us
to
appreciate
the
beauty
of
life
even
more.
【】
7.
Departing
is
only
painful
when
you
know
you
will
never
return.
【】
8.
To
say
goodbye
is
to
acknowledge
the
impact
someone
has
had
on
our
lives.
【】
9.
Letting
go
can
be
difficult,
but
it
is
necessary
for
our
own
well-being.
【】
10.
Saying
goodbye
does
not
mean
forgetting,
but
rather
accepting
that
things
have
changed.
【】
11.
We
may
say
goodbye
to
someone,
but
their
memory
will
always
stay
with
us.
【】
12.
Some
goodbyes
are
for
the
better,
and
we
must
have
the
courage
to
let
them
happen.
【】
13.
Saying
goodbye
is
not
the
end
of
a
story,
but
the
beginning
of
a
new
one.
【】
14.
We
may
not
always
say
goodbye,
but
the
people
we
love
will
never
truly
leave
us.
【】
15.
Goodbye
may
signify
the
end
of
a
chapter,
but
it
also
opens
the
door
to
new
opportunities.
【】
16.
Farewell,
my
friend,
may
your
journey
be
filled
with
joy
and
adventure.
【】
17.
The
pain
of
goodbye
may
be
temporary,
but
the
love
we
shared
will
always
endure.
【】
18.
Sometimes
saying
goodbye
is
the
most
loving
thing
we
can
do
for
ourselves
and
others.
【】
19.
Saying
goodbye
can
be
a
leap
of
faith,
but
it
allows
us
to
grow
and
discover
new
horizons.
【】
20.
Goodbye
is
not
forever,
it
is
simply
a
temporary
parting
until
we
meet
again.
【】
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上一篇有关爱惜自己的唯美句子
下一篇我和女儿的照片唯美句子