1.
Love
in
the
end
times
is
a
fragile
but
powerful
force,
capable
of
enduring
even
the
darkest
of
days.
【爱在末世是一种脆弱但强大的力量,能够经受住最黑暗的日子。
】
2.
When
everything
else
is
falling
apart,
love
can
be
the
one
steady
anchor
that
keeps
us
grounded.
【当一切都崩溃时,爱可以成为我们坚实的锚,让我们保持平稳。
】
3.
The
world
may
be
ending,
but
as
long
as
we
have
each
other,
there
is
still
hope
for
a
brighter
future.
【虽然世界可能要结束了,但只要我们彼此相爱,还有希望有一个更美好的未来。
】
4.
In
a
time
where
chaos
reigns
supreme,
it's
the
love
between
two
people
that
can
restore
some
semblance
of
order.
【在混乱主宰的时代,两个人之间的爱可以恢复秩序的一些模样。
】
5.
When
death
is
all
around
us,
love
is
the
only
thing
that
can
keep
us
alive.
【当死亡在我们周围时,爱是唯一能让我们活着的东西。
】
6.
Amidst
the
destruction
and
devastation,
love
can
be
the
glimmer
of
light
that
guides
us
to
safety.
【在破坏和毁灭中,爱可以是指引我们安全的光亮。
】
7.
Even
in
the
bleakest
of
times,
love
can
blossom
and
flourish
like
a
beautiful
flower
growing
in
the
middle
of
a
wasteland.
【即使在最暗淡的时刻,爱也可以像在荒漠中盛开的美丽花朵一样茁壮成长。
】
8.
In
a
world
that
has
lost
all
meaning,
love
can
give
us
a
reason
to
keep
on
living.
【在一个失去意义的世界里,爱可以给我们一个继续生活的理由。
】
9.
When
the
end
of
the
world
is
nigh,
love
can
be
the
one
thing
that
makes
it
all
worth
it.
【当世界末日来临时,爱可以是让一切都值得的东西。
】
10.
The
beauty
of
love
is
that
it
can
exist
even
in
the
midst
of
the
ugliest
of
circumstances.
【爱的美丽之处在于它可以存在于最丑陋的环境中。
】
11.
When
everything
is
lost,
love
can
be
a
beacon
of
hope
that
leads
us
towards
a
new
beginning.
【当一切都失去时,爱可以成为一个带领我们走向新开始的希望信标。
】
12.
In
a
world
consumed
by
darkness,
love
can
be
the
one
flicker
of
light
that
keeps
us
going.
【在被黑暗吞噬的世界中,爱可以成为唯一支持我们前行的微光。
】
13.
Love
in
the
end
times
is
a
testament
to
the
enduring
power
of
the
human
spirit.
【末世爱情是对人类精神力量卓越不灭的见证。
】
14.
When
all
is
said
and
done,
love
is
the
one
thing
that
truly
matters
in
this
world.
【当一切都被说尽时,爱是这个世界上唯一真正重要的东西。
】
15.
Even
when
the
world
is
crumbling
around
us,
love
gives
us
a
reason
to
keep
fighting.
【即使世界在我们周围崩溃,爱也会让我们有理由继续战斗。
】
16.
In
a
time
of
immense
darkness,
love
is
the
one
thing
that
can
shine
through
and
offer
us
a
glimmer
of
hope.
【在极度黑暗的时代,爱是唯一可以穿透一切、给我们希望的东西。
】
17.
When
all
is
lost,
love
can
still
be
found
and
cherished
as
a
precious
gift
amidst
the
ruins
of
our
world.
【当一切都失去时,爱仍然可以被发现和珍视成为我们世界废墟中的宝贵礼物。
】
18.
End
times
love
is
a
reminder
that
even
in
the
face
of
certain
doom,
we
can
still
find
beauty
and
meaning
in
each
other.
【末世爱情是一个提醒,即使在面对确定的末日时刻,我们仍然可以在彼此中找到美丽和意义。
】
19.
Love
in
the
end
times
is
a
testament
to
the
human
capacity
to
love,
even
in
the
face
of
the
most
daunting
of
challenges.
【末世爱情是人类对于爱的能力的见证,即使在最具挑战性的情况下仍坚持爱。
】
20.
In
a
world
where
all
seems
lost,
love
can
be
the
one
thing
that
gives
us
the
courage
to
carry
on.
【在一个一切都似乎已失去的世界中,爱可以成为我们坚持继续前行的勇气来源。
】