1.
"The
world
may
be
cold,
but
choose
to
be
a
warm-hearted
soul.
"
【心怀暖意,寒流皆无】
2.
"I
am
not
defined
by
the
coldness
around
me,
but
by
the
warmth
within
me.
"
【生活冷漠,我有内心的温暖】
3.
"In
a
world
full
of
coldness,
be
the
light
that
warms
the
hearts.
"
【世界如冰,你便是那点热光】
4.
"The
coldness
that
surrounds
us
is
no
match
for
the
warmth
that
lives
within
us.
"
【外在的冷漠不能熄灭我们内心的温暖】
5.
"Cherish
the
warmth
in
your
heart,
for
it
is
the
greatest
weapon
against
the
coldness
of
the
world.
"
【珍惜内心的温暖,抵挡世界的冷漠】
6.
"Do
not
let
the
coldness
of
others
extinguish
the
flame
of
warmth
that
burns
within
you.
"
【不要被别人的冷漠扑灭心中的温暖之火】
7.
"It
takes
a
warm
heart
to
melt
the
ice
of
indifference
in
this
world.
"
【融化世间冷漠,需用温暖之心】
8.
"The
coldness
of
the
world
can
only
bring
you
down
if
you
let
it,
so
choose
to
rise
above
it.
"
【只有你自己决定让世界的冷漠将你击倒,还是提升自己超越它】
9.
"Do
not
let
the
coldness
of
the
world
harden
your
heart,
but
use
it
as
a
reminder
to
always
be
kind.
"
【不要让世界的冷漠使你的心变得冰冷,相反应该多关注善良】
10.
"When
the
world
is
cold,
spread
kindness
like
warm
blankets
to
those
in
need.
"
【世界如冰冷时,多给需要的人一些温暖的关怀】
11.
"The
greatest
warmth
in
life
comes
from
the
love
we
share
with
others.
"
【生命中最大的温暖来源于与他人的爱】
12.
"In
a
world
full
of
negatives,
choose
to
focus
on
the
positives
and
spread
positivity.
"
【在这个负面环绕的世界中,关注积极的一面并传递正能量】
13.
"The
warmth
we
give
to
others
is
often
the
warmth
we
receive
back.
"
【我们付出的温暖经常可以换来同样的温暖】
14.
"The
world
may
be
cold
and
indifferent,
but
that
is
no
excuse
for
us
to
be.
"
【世界冷漠不代表我们也要变得冷漠】
15.
"The
warmth
of
a
smile
and
a
kind
word
can
make
all
the
difference
in
someone's
day.
"
【一个微笑,一句体贴的话语,能够改变某人的一天】
16.
"When
life
gets
cold,
heat
it
up
with
love
and
kindness.
"
【生活变得冰冷时,用爱和温暖加热它】
17.
"The
greatest
act
of
rebellion
in
a
cold
world
is
to
love
fiercely
and
unconditionally.
"
【在这个冷漠的世界里,最大的反叛是去热爱并展现无条件的温暖】
18.
"The
warmth
of
human
connection
is
the
cure
for
the
coldness
of
isolation.
"
【人与人之间的温暖联结是治愈孤独冷漠的良药】
19.
"Kindness
and
compassion
are
the
light
that
shines
even
in
the
darkest
of
days.
"
【善良与同情心是黑暗中照亮我们道路的光芒】
20.
"The
coldness
of
the
world
may
be
strong,
but
the
warmth
of
the
human
spirit
is
even
stronger.
"
【世界带来的冰冷或许很强烈,但人类灵魂产生的温暖比冰冷更强】