1.
"A
new
life
is
growing
inside
me,
and
couldn't
be
more
grateful!"
【感恩怀有新生命!】
2.
"My
heart
is
overflowing
with
joy
as
prepare
to
welcome
my
little
bundle
of
joy
into
the
world.
"
【心中充满喜悦,准备迎接新生命的到来!】
3.
"Pregnancy
is
such
a
miraculous
journey,
and
feel
blessed
to
be
experiencing
it
firsthand.
"
【怀孕这一段旅程如此神奇,我很幸运能够亲身体验!】
4.
"Being
pregnant
is
a
reminder
of
the
incredible
power
of
the
female
body
and
the
wonder
of
creation.
"
【怀孕让我想起了女性身体的无比力量以及创造的奇妙!】
5.
"I
can't
wait
to
meet
my
little
one
and
shower
them
with
all
the
love
in
the
world.
"
【更期待见到新生命,为他献上最爱的爱!】
6.
"As
my
due
date
approaches,
am
filled
with
excitement
and
nervous
anticipation.
"
【随着预产期的临近,我充满了兴奋和紧张的期待!】
7.
"Every
kick
and
flutter
in
my
belly
is
a
reminder
of
the
precious
life
growing
within
me.
"
【每一次肚子里的踢腿和抖动都让我想起,那一颗珍贵的生命在我体内茁壮成长着!】
8.
"Pregnancy
has
taught
me
so
much
about
patience,
humility,
and
the
miraculous
nature
of
our
bodies.
"
【怀孕让我学到了很多关于耐心、谦逊以及身体奇妙性质的东西!】
9.
"My
partner
and
are
excited
to
enter
this
new
chapter
of
our
lives
and
grow
our
family.
"
【我和我的伴侣很期待进入人生的新篇章,扩充我们的家庭!】
10.
"The
love
and
support
from
family
and
friends
during
my
pregnancy
has
been
invaluable.
"
【怀孕期间家人和朋友们的爱和支持简直是无价之宝!】
11.
"Being
pregnant
has
made
me
more
aware
of
the
importance
of
self-care
and
nurturing
myself
during
this
time.
"
【怀孕使我更加意识到自我护理和关爱自己在这段时间是多么重要!】
12.
"I
am
grateful
for
the
opportunity
to
bring
a
new
life
into
the
world
and
am
committed
to
being
the
best
mother
can
be.
"
【我很感激这个将新生命带入这个世界的机会,我将竭尽所能成为最好的母亲!】
13.
"Pregnancy
has
made
me
appreciate
the
beauty
and
complexity
of
the
female
body
in
a
whole
new
way.
"
【怀孕让我以一种全新的方式欣赏女性身体的美丽和复杂性!】
14.
"I
am
amazed
by
the
growing
life
inside
me
and
feel
blessed
to
be
a
vessel
for
this
incredible
journey.
"
【我对我内心孕育的生命感到惊奇,我感到幸运成为这段旅程的载体!】
15.
"Being
pregnant
has
sparked
a
new
sense
of
purpose
and
passion
within
me.
"
【怀孕激发了我内心的新目标和热情!】
16.
"I
am
honored
to
be
experiencing
the
miracle
of
life
firsthand
and
will
treasure
every
moment
of
this
journey.
"
【我很荣幸能够亲身体验这种生命奇迹,并将珍视这段旅程中每一刻!】
17.
"Pregnancy
has
taught
me
to
trust
my
body
and
listen
to
its
needs.
"
【怀孕教会了我相信自己的身体并倾听它的需求!】
18.
"I
am
grateful
for
the
abundance
of
love
and
support
during
this
special
time
in
my
life.
"
【我感激在我人生的这个特殊时期得到的爱和支持!】
19.
"Every
day
am
in
awe
of
the
miracle
taking
place
inside
me
and
the
strength
of
the
human
body.
"
【每天我都对我内心孕育的奇迹和人体的力量感到惊叹!】
20.
"I
can't
wait
to
hold
my
little
one
in
my
arms
and
start
this
new
and
exciting
journey
as
a
mother.
"
【我迫不及待地想把我的小宝贝抱在怀里,并开始这个新的、令人激动的母亲之旅!】