1.
"Sometimes,
the
weight
of
the
world
can
feel
like
a
heavy
load
on
a
small
shovel.
"
【伤感语录】
2.
"The
truth
is
buried
deep,
sometimes
it
takes
a
heavy
machine
to
unearth
it.
"
【铲车图片】
3.
"Life
can
be
like
operating
heavy
machinery,
one
mistake
can
result
in
a
catastrophic
outcome.
"
【伤感语录】
4.
"The
weight
of
regret
can
feel
like
an
unbearable
load,
but
sometimes
you
just
have
to
keep
digging
to
find
closure.
"
【铲车图片】
5.
"In
life,
we
all
have
to
dig
deep
for
something,
whether
it's
hope,
courage,
or
strength.
"
【伤感语录】
6.
"The
sound
of
the
excavator
tearing
down
a
building
can
be
deafening,
just
like
the
sound
of
a
broken
heart.
"
【铲车图片】
7.
"Sometimes
it
feels
like
the
weight
of
the
world
is
crushing
us,
but
we
have
the
ability
to
lift
ourselves
up
and
keep
going.
"
【伤感语录】
8.
"Just
like
a
bulldozer
can
clear
a
path,
we
have
to
sometimes
bulldoze
through
life's
obstacles
to
reach
our
goals.
"
【铲车图片】
9.
"The
scraping
of
the
earth
can
be
a
soothing
sound,
sometimes
we
have
to
dig
deep
to
find
peace.
"
【伤感语录】
10.
"Life
can
be
like
a
construction
site,
messy
and
chaotic,
but
at
the
end,
the
finished
product
is
worth
it.
"
【铲车图片】
11.
"The
depths
of
our
soul
can
be
like
digging
deeper
into
the
earth,
sometimes
revealing
things
long
forgotten.
"
【伤感语录】
12.
"Just
like
a
backhoe
can
remove
a
tree
stump,
we
have
to
remove
the
obstacles
in
our
life
to
move
forward.
"
【铲车图片】
13.
"In
the
end,
all
we
have
left
are
the
memories
of
the
things
we've
built
and
the
people
we've
loved.
"
【伤感语录】
14.
"The
power
of
a
machine
can
be
awe-inspiring,
but
the
power
of
the
human
spirit
is
even
greater.
"
【铲车图片】
15.
"When
life
feels
heavy,
remember
that
you
have
the
strength
to
move
mountains.
"
【伤感语录】
16.
"The
roar
of
a
excavator
can
be
intimidating,
but
the
roar
of
our
own
voice
can
be
empowering.
"
【铲车图片】
17.
"Just
like
a
bulldozer
can
level
a
field,
we
have
the
ability
to
level
up
in
our
own
lives.
"
【伤感语录】
18.
"The
power
of
forgiveness
can
lift
the
weight
of
the
past
off
our
shoulders
and
allow
us
to
move
on.
"
【铲车图片】
19.
"Sometimes
the
scars
we
carry
can
be
like
the
grooves
in
the
earth,
revealing
the
path
we've
taken.
"
【伤感语录】
20.
"Just
like
a
front-end
loader
can
move
mountains
of
dirt,
we
have
the
potential
to
move
mountains
in
our
own
lives.
"
【铲车图片】
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