1.
"Hey
friend,
can
we
keep
our
adventures
between
us
for
now?"
【不发朋友圈】
2.
"Let's
keep
this
moment
just
between
us,
okay?"
【保密】
3.
"I
want
to
share
this
experience
with
you
exclusively,
not
the
whole
world.
"
【小范围分享】
4.
"Can
we
make
a
pact
to
not
post
anything
on
social
media
about
this?"
【约定保密】
5.
"I
trust
you
with
this
memory,
let's
not
broadcast
it
to
everyone
else.
"
【信任】
6.
"This
moment
is
too
special
to
be
shared
with
anyone
else
but
us.
"
【特殊时刻】
7.
"Let's
create
a
memory
just
for
ourselves,
without
the
pressure
of
likes
and
comments.
"
【离线体验】
8.
"I
don't
want
to
spoil
the
authenticity
of
this
experience
by
sharing
it
online.
"
【原汁原味】
9.
"I'd
rather
keep
this
moment
between
us
and
not
have
it
get
lost
in
the
sea
of
social
media
posts.
"
【专属记忆】
10.
"I
value
our
friendship
too
much
to
let
something
like
social
media
get
in
the
way.
"
【友谊第一】
11.
"This
is
our
moment,
let's
not
let
the
outside
world
invade
it.
"
【私人空间】
12.
"I
don't
want
to
put
pressure
on
you
to
post
anything,
so
let's
just
enjoy
this
moment
for
ourselves.
"
【分享没压力】
13.
"Let's
embrace
the
present
and
not
worry
about
documenting
it
for
social
media.
"
【当下重要】
14.
"I
want
to
experience
this
fully
with
you,
not
through
a
phone
screen.
"
【深度体验】
15.
"This
moment
is
too
precious
to
reduce
it
to
a
social
media
post.
"
【珍贵回忆】
16.
"Let's
cherish
this
memory
as
something
just
between
us.
"
【珍藏记忆】
17.
"I
want
to
be
fully
present
in
the
moment
with
you,
not
distracted
by
the
pressure
to
post
about
it.
"
【专注当下】
18.
"Let's
keep
this
just
between
us
and
not
let
social
media
dilute
its
significance.
"
【保持纯粹】
19.
"I
don't
want
to
compete
for
likes
and
comments,
let's
just
enjoy
this
moment
for
ourselves.
"
【不争做到最好】
20.
"Let's
create
a
memory
that
only
we
can
share
and
look
back
on
together.
"
【私人口袋】