1.
Shut
up!
Don't
you
see
how
amazing
you
are?【温柔】
2.
Stop
acting
like
a
jerk,
you
gorgeous
person!【粗鲁】
3.
You
may
be
a
pain
in
the
butt
sometimes,
but
still
love
you!【温柔】
4.
Quit
your
whining,
you
beautiful
creature!
【粗鲁】
5.
Your
flaws
make
you
perfect
to
me,
my
lovely
darling.
【温柔】
6.
know
you
can
do
better
than
that,
champ!
Come
on!
【粗鲁】
7.
Even
when
you
mess
up,
you
still
manage
to
light
up
my
world.
【温柔】
8.
You
may
not
believe
in
yourself,
but
believe
in
you,
my
sweetie.
【温柔】
9.
You're
a
tough
cookie,
but
you're
still
the
most
wonderful
person
know.
【温柔】
10.
Hey,
clumsy!
You
may
fall
a
lot,
but
you
always
manage
to
rise
up
again!【粗鲁】
11.
You're
frustrating,
but
you're
still
the
one
want
to
be
with
forever.
【温柔】
12.
You're
like
a
puzzle
that
don't
mind
spending
my
whole
life
trying
to
solve.
【温柔】
13.
Get
your
act
together,
you
silly
goose!
You're
capable
of
great
things!【粗鲁】
14.
You
make
mistakes,
but
you
always
learn
from
them,
my
wonderful
human.
【温柔】
15.
You
may
be
tough
on
the
outside,
but
know
you
have
a
heart
of
gold.
【温柔】
16.
Don't
be
so
hard
on
yourself,
you
magnificent
human
being.
【温柔】
17.
You
can
be
a
jerk
sometimes,
but
still
admire
your
strength
and
resilience.
【温柔】
18.
You're
a
beautiful
disaster,
but
you
still
make
my
heart
skip
a
beat.
【温柔】
19.
You're
a
work
in
progress,
but
you're
still
an
amazing
person
to
me.
【温柔】
20.
You
may
be
rough
around
the
edges,
but
you're
still
my
favourite
person
in
the
world.
【温柔】
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