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1.
When
life
doesn't
go
as
planned,
allow
yourself
to
grieve
and
then
keep
moving
forward.
【#perseverance】
2.
Building
resilience
during
tough
times
will
ultimately
make
you
stronger.
【#resilience】
3.
The
hardest
part
of
not
having
things
go
your
way
is
accepting
that
you
can't
always
control
everything.
【#letgo】
4.
Sometimes
what
we
want
isn't
what
we
need,
and
that's
okay.
【#trusttheuniverse】
5.
rough
path
eventually
leads
to
a
beautiful
destination.
【#keepthefaith】
6.
Disappointments
are
just
opportunities
for
new
beginnings.
【#newbeginnings】
7.
Life's
obstacles
are
there
to
teach
us
valuable
lessons
and
help
us
grow.
【#growthmindset】
8.
When
things
don't
go
our
way,
we
can
choose
to
either
play
the
victim
or
rise
above
it.
【#choosetohavepower】
9.
Life
is
unpredictable,
so
learn
to
find
joy
in
the
journey.
【#happiness】
10.
Even
though
it
may
not
feel
like
it
at
the
time,
setbacks
are
temporary
and
success
is
possible.
【#keepfighting】
11.
The
strength
of
your
character
is
revealed
during
difficult
times,
not
when
everything
is
easy.
【#strongcharacter】
12.
Embrace
the
struggles,
they
will
help
shape
who
you
become.
【#embracethestruggle】
13.
When
life
hands
you
lemons,
choose
to
make
lemonade.
【#positivity】
14.
Life
is
full
of
unexpected
twists
and
turns,
it's
up
to
us
to
navigate
them
with
grace.
【#grace】
15.
It's
okay
to
not
have
everything
figured
out;
life
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
【#journey】
16.
Be
kind
to
yourself
during
tough
times,
you're
doing
the
best
you
can.
【#selflove】
17.
Just
because
life
is
hard
right
now,
doesn't
mean
it
will
always
be
that
way.
【#hope】
18.
The
pain
of
disappointment
fades
over
time,
but
the
lessons
learned
will
stay
with
you
forever.
【#lifelessons】
19.
If
it
doesn't
challenge
you,
it
won't
change
you.
【#growth】
20.
When
you
can't
control
the
situation,
focus
on
controlling
your
reaction
to
it.
【#mindovermatter】