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1.
"The
waves
were
his
lullaby,
the
stars
his
nightlight,
and
the
sea
his
home.
"
【海洋是水手的唯一家园】
2.
"Days
spent
chasing
fish,
nights
spent
chasing
dreams,
a
sailor's
life
is
never
as
it
seems.
"
【水手的生活比想象中更艰难】
3.
"The
smell
of
salt,
the
feeling
of
wind,
the
sound
of
the
rigging,
these
are
the
memories
a
sailor
holds
within.
"
【水手在海上的回忆美好又深刻】
4.
"Sun,
sea,
and
solitude,
a
sailor's
life
is
a
life
of
freedom.
"
【水手的生活是自由而孤独的】
5.
"A
sailor's
bravery
is
not
measured
by
the
size
of
the
waves,
but
by
the
strength
of
his
spirit.
"
【水手的勇气不在于海浪的大小,而在于内心的坚强】
6.
"The
ocean
does
not
discriminate,
it
tests
all
sailors
equally.
"
【大海不分种族和国籍,是所有水手一同面对的考验】
7.
"To
be
a
sailor
is
to
live
a
life
of
adventure,
a
life
of
unknown
horizons
waiting
to
be
discovered.
"
【成为一名水手,就是走向冒险的生活,等待着未知的海上新世界】
8.
"A
sailor's
heart
is
like
the
ocean,
deep
and
powerful,
full
of
mysteries
yet
to
be
explored.
"
【水手的心灵如同海洋,深邃而强大,蕴藏着数不尽的神秘】
9.
"The
strength
of
a
sailor
comes
not
from
his
muscles,
but
from
his
resilience
in
the
face
of
adversity.
"
【水手的力量并非来自于肌肉,而在于面对逆境时的坚韧】
10.
"A
sailor's
journey
may
be
long
and
difficult,
but
the
reward
is
an
unbreakable
bond
with
the
sea.
"
【水手的旅程可能漫长而艰难,但回报是与大海建立的不可分割的联系】
11.
"A
sailor
embraces
the
unknown,
for
it
is
what
separates
him
from
the
rest
of
the
world.
"
【水手勇敢面对未知,因为这让他与世界独立】
12.
"A
sailor's
life
is
not
a
choice,
it
is
a
calling
from
the
sea
that
cannot
be
ignored.
"
【成为水手不是选择,而是海洋对他们的召唤,不可抗拒】
13.
"The
ocean
may
be
vast,
but
the
sailor's
heart
is
vaster
still.
"
【海洋广阔无垠,然而水手的胸襟更加宽广无限】
14.
"A
sailor's
journey
is
not
just
about
the
destination,
but
also
about
the
lessons
learned
along
the
way.
"
【水手的旅程不仅仅在于终点,更涉及到沿途学到的人生智慧】
15.
"The
most
important
tool
in
a
sailor's
kit
is
not
his
compass,
but
his
intuition.
"
【水手最重要的工具不是指南针,而是直觉】
16.
"A
sailor's
spirit
cannot
be
broken,
for
it
is
forged
in
the
flames
of
the
sea.
"
【水手的精神坚不可摧,经受过大海的磨砺】
17.
"A
sailor's
life
may
seem
lonely,
but
it
is
actually
filled
with
the
camaraderie
of
fellow
seamen.
"
【水手的生活或许看似孤独,但实际上充满了与航海同伴的友情】
18.
"The
sea
may
be
unpredictable,
but
a
sailor's
dedication
to
his
craft
never
wavers.
"
【大海变幻无常,但水手对于自己的职业始终如一】
19.
"A
sailor's
legacy
lives
on
in
the
tales
of
his
adventures,
passed
down
from
generation
to
generation.
"
【水手的传奇会在故事中流传下来,代代相传】
20.
"The
call
of
the
sea
is
irresistible
to
a
sailor's
soul,
drawing
him
back
time
and
time
again.
"
【海洋对水手的召唤是无法抗拒的,让他们回到海上一次又一次】