1.
Sometimes
the
sharpest
words
are
the
ones
that
can
leave
the
deepest
wounds.
【#words
#wounds】
2.
well-written
message
can
cut
deeper
than
any
knife.
【#message
#cut】
3.
It's
amazing
how
a
few
words
can
turn
someone's
world
upside
down.
【#amazing
#words】
4.
The
power
of
language
can
never
be
underestimated.
【#power
#language】
5.
They
say
that
words
can
never
hurt
you,
but
they
forget
that
it's
not
the
words
themselves,
but
how
they
are
delivered.
【#hurt
#words】
6.
The
tongue
is
a
small
organ,
but
it
can
create
big
problems.
【#small
#organ
#big
#problems】
7.
The
beauty
of
language
is
that
it
can
be
used
to
bring
joy
or
cause
pain.
Choose
wisely.
【#beauty
#language】
8.
The
way
we
speak
to
others
can
reveal
a
lot
about
our
own
character.
【#speak
#character】
9.
There
are
times
when
silence
can
be
more
powerful
than
any
words.
【#silence
#powerful】
10.
kind
word
can
lift
someone's
spirit,
but
a
harsh
one
can
crush
their
soul.
【#kind
#harsh
#spirit
#soul】
11.
We
often
underestimate
how
our
words
can
influence
others.
【#influence
#words】
12.
little
bit
of
kindness
can
go
a
long
way,
but
a
little
bit
of
rudeness
can
be
just
as
impactful.
【#kindness
#rudeness
#impact】
13.
Too
often,
we
speak
without
thinking
of
the
consequences.
【#consequences
#thinking】
14.
The
pen
is
mightier
than
the
sword,
but
the
tongue
can
be
just
as
sharp.
【#pen
#sword
#tongue】
15.
It's
not
just
about
what
we
say,
but
how
we
say
it.
【#say
#how】
16.
Sometimes
the
most
hurtful
words
are
the
ones
left
unsaid.
【#hurtful
#unsaid】
17.
Our
words
have
the
power
to
build
someone
up
or
tear
them
down.
Choose
wisely.
【#power
#build
#tear】
18.
The
words
we
choose
to
speak
can
change
the
course
of
someone's
day,
or
even
their
life.
【#change
#course
#day
#life】
19.
We
often
think
that
the
things
we
say
won't
have
lasting
effects,
but
we
couldn't
be
more
wrong.
【#lasting
#effects】
20.
At
the
end
of
the
day,
it's
not
about
being
the
most
clever
or
witty.
It's
about
being
kind.
【#clever
#witty
#kind】